Author Topic: United Constructors of Blockland  (Read 2094 times)

Yeah, sorry CAM. It was requested by Shortcut.

Unwritten, YOU ROCK. i wanna app. i will get a photobucket account later and make a post of it.

Wanna be friends unwritten? you seem like a good guy.

What server are you planning to get on? tell mee. Or you could IRC me. (im Katie Ingame)

I'm planning to go on MeddlePAL's BA server. Meet you there?

Shortcut, we have an apper, please come to Kai's server immediately.

Duck, sorry i did that. i meant to hit the ground D:

im not on the game. The pass to kais server is blabla, im getting ready to go back.

Okay, but there is no pass now.