Author Topic: (WOL) Should I finish this?  (Read 1096 times)

Work started on it in late v8 but was abandoned. When v12 came out I did a bit for work on it and added the inner columns. Any who it was a building to keep the first WOL build in, but since no one ever joined and it remains with just 2 member it was never done.

From outside.

From the top.

Outer inside.

The main hall.

So what do you think I should so with it?

I think it looks great besides the middle things with the default windows.  I say you shoud finish it.

i like it, but in the main hall you could replace the ramp on either side with an arch, 2nd and 3rd up
and i say finish it


really nice build, but justin is right: the thing with the default windows looks a bit crappy

The thing that I don't really like is the tree. Nothing much else thats bad. It's good :D

finish it!!
oh and what is it anyway?

The thing in the centre is my first build so its not relay going to be touched. other then that. those are all good comments. Maybe I will finish it.

I think it looks better with default windows

could be edited to make quite a lovely DM...

still got one question:

why is one corner of the build gone?  (you can see it in the top view)

Hell yes. Finish it.

