Author Topic: Worst Clan Ever  (Read 7416 times)

I now declare me the owner of the clan. Obey my left shoe!

To Arms! To Arms! To Arms!

Time for a coup d'état comrades! I declare Prince Muffinmix II as leader! Join the Army of Prince Muffinmix II, so Muffinmix can be banished and sentenced to drive the Desert Bus for eternity, non-stop.

I can't reveal the true identity of the Prince, but he will bring lap dancers and go go girls for his followers, and a special card which enables you to park for free in zones for disabled people and tank premium petrol cheaper!

Are you willing to join the fight?

Are you?

I have compiled a list of clans we are Definitely at war with

Heinous Things awaiting purification

Dead Mafia already dead
Building Association, The
New World Builders [NWB]
-Skape- (Thrice)
[NG] New Generation
Krystal's Clan [KC]
*ZotB*- Zealots of the Brick
TDMMB- team death match map builders
Clan [.wav]
IXS Clan
The creep Bear Clan
PB - Psychic Blockheads
HPoB: Historic People of Blockland
The People clan
[BotW] and [BotB]- Battlers of the World and Builders of the Brick
The Etob

This list was compiled from a script that determines whether the members ever bought the timely classic Super Hornio Brothers 2, but none of these terrible democrats did :(

In other news, there will hopefully be a clan server operational on the weekend and it will be the best so brace yourselves!!

Fake edit

To Arms! To Arms! To Arms!


After all I've done for this great clan, you want to overthrow ME??

I swear I shouted this speech at my monitor a few moments ago, or atleast something like it, here it is:
Except I can't die so instead of "I shall be gone" I said "This scrub trying to take my crib! Go forget him up!!" in an angry voice

I would like to call this Prince Muffinmix II into question, is he my long lost son?? Because the other day, wednesday last week I was cybering with this hermaphrodite but I wasn't wearing protection so I was worried. Also could I crash with him? I kind of need the cash.

What about the great long lost Muffinmix Princess which was a twiced removed daughter of your neighbor!!!11!!!

Holy stuff this seems so /b/ and oify that I want to join.

Here's my app:

name: your mother
location: right behind you
age : a/s/l
build: the fuk i don't need buld!!!11
grammar : incredibly forgeted up.

when is this done?


After all I've done for this great clan, you want to overthrow ME??

I swear I shouted this speech at my monitor a few moments ago, or atleast something like it, here it is:
Except I can't die so instead of "I shall be gone" I said "This scrub trying to take my crib! Go forget him up!!" in an angry voice

I would like to call this Prince Muffinmix II into question, is he my long lost son?? Because the other day, wednesday last week I was cybering with this hermaphrodite but I wasn't wearing protection so I was worried. Also could I crash with him? I kind of need the cash.

The Prince only shows himself to his true followers and the harem he is bringing along with himself, not to mention the army of bookmakers and Mr. Henderson, the green grocer.

Join the rebellion to overthrow the evil Muffinmix, so peace could be restored within the force and in Darfur, Israel, Afghanistan, Iraq, and to finally drag Muffinmix back to his shift. Not to mention the free ice cream coupons.

You like ice cream, don't you?

Here's a sample of this rather fine delicacy that is awaiting for every follower of The Prince:


Was it tasty? Then join the fight for the right cause!

What would you do if someone actually managed to get in via the 12-step application process?

Holy stuff this seems so /b/ and oify that I want to join.

Here's my app:

name: your mother
location: right behind you
age : a/s/l
build: the fuk i don't need buld!!!11
grammar : incredibly forgeted up.

when is this done?

Lol I will process this amazing "app" with my superconducting quantum computer and I'll get back to you.

Oh sorry you were blacklisted. Please unlock your front door so one of the priests can storm your house and beat the living stuff out of you.

What would you do if someone actually managed to get in via the 12-step application process?

They become part of the clan of course, you are so silly!


I finally noticed you! COngratulations, know that rebellious actions on this great man's army shall not be tolerated. You have been queued for purification by archangel Tyreal, but because you are clearly evil purification will have a 127% probability of killing you, the extra 27% means you might die twice, you are so evil!

« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 01:29:15 PM by Muffinmix »

I think you've created a paradox by making the greatest clan ever by making the worst clan ever.

I think you've created a paradox by making the greatest clan ever by making the worst clan ever.
That was, most likely, the intention.

You may kill me Muffinmix, but the Prince shall live on! All hail the prince! Your evil reign is soon to end!

You may kill me Muffinmix, but the Prince shall live on! All hail the prince! Your evil reign is soon to end!

No it won't, since you're both blacklisted now lol take that! And that!!

Silly Muffinmix, your Blacklist cannot defeat his Caucasianlist! It's superior!

Silly Muffinmix, your Blacklist cannot defeat his Caucasianlist! It's superior!

What if I made a Superior Caucasinalist? Oh snap!!

What if I made a Superior Caucasinalist? Oh snap!!
You would have to put him on it to defeat him, but then he would be superior!