Author Topic: mah dad sez don't port forward cause it steals ur megahurtz  (Read 2648 times)

I was talking to my dad and if you port forward its like opening up your computer so if someone joins and they have a viris you can get it!!! It can screw up you pc!!!
Its a risk you dont have to make! So if i were you i port forward or go behind you router!!! Theres my tip of the day!! :cookie:
« Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 03:20:35 AM by Badspot »

your way more likely to get viruses off of jpegs on websites then port forwarding.
your dad either does not know anything about routers and computers, or he is lying to you because he don't want you touching the router.

you know port 80 is forwarded automatically so you can browse the web.
go tell him about its dangers

No, your wrong.

Lock the topic and go play.

Parents and Port Forwarding, loving hilarious.

YOur dad clearly knows nothing about computers, and somehow convinced you he does.


  • Administrator
I don't know how to say this without being rude, so I'm just going to be rude.  Your dad shovels coal for a living and I am a goddamn professional computer programmer.  I know more about this subject than your dad.  Port forwarding, if done correctly, is completely safe.