Author Topic: Blockintosh - The Multi-Hardware Computer  (Read 4029 times)

The Multi-Hardware Computer


Quote from: MHC Help Guide
       The MHC Offers a new median for Event Computing, providing a more stable, efficient, and organized system to base PCs on. Using an MHC is faster than ever. Refreshing 150 pixels on the MHC Standard 10x15 Resolution is as fast as it could ever be in Blockland. When I was on my own server, the MHC would respond as soon as I would influence it to change its set of pixels as fast as I could click. The point of this projects is to provide a standard for comparing PCs created by users and even clans. This system will be released to the public under Blockintosh and have free access to by clans. For instance, BiT will develop and release their own private MHC, The Aero.

      As the creator of the system, I took the glory of creating this topic ( :cookieMonster:, I am very proud of it. It got me lead Programmer :P ). If you didn't read or didn't understand the quote above, this PC will be released under BiT as a public system for people to edit.

       It uses 4 main hardware parts: The CPU for controlling boot order of programs, and data related tasks. The GPU for holding events to change mass amounts of pixels, this contains the most bricks. (The group of chrome 1x1 prints near the bottom of the PC in the upper pic) The last two are the Data drive, which holds variables like which songs play in the music player, and the Program drive which is a place where someone can create a program to work on any MHC Computer just by copying the events to the drive. The Data drive was added later, so this pic doesn't have one. They are where the CD drive on a PC would be, for access even when the PC is closed.

Everything about the Computer is in THIS GUIDE (Which is WIP).
If you want more pictures, read the guide above.

Note: You need to be a fairly advanced eventer to program this, I am not teaching you completly how to event, mainly made a simple guide to teach you how the system works.

This is a WIP, so no download is avaliable yet. So far, I have decided to include 2 example programs to do two things. One, prove the system works and two, give examples for programs.

Oh, and heres a Movie maker masterpiece with me messing with it.

I will be editing this as I go, the quote does sound like an Ad.


These pics are not the standard MHC, but an example.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2009, 12:37:36 PM by Zenthos »

Ew, you used variables.

this is basically can do what my iPod touch build can do. you took the coloring idea from that too. but it does not include thr synth. i do like the loading scren when you turn it on though. but i did manage to cram it all into something 1/3 the size of that!
« Last Edit: July 07, 2009, 12:40:41 PM by makanix163 »

=D, Yey, I finlly get to see this in action, and wow, its big.

=D, Yey, I finlly get to see this in action, and wow, its big.

EDIT: looks like Windoze.

Ew, you used variables.

Its more effecient than however I'd do this otherwise...

=D, Yey, I finlly get to see this in action, and wow, its big.

yea it is. The Aero will have unchangeable hardware, so it'll be 4x6 and 4 2/3 bricks tall (plates on top/bottom)

Edit: Tommy, lol edit right... yes it does, again Aero will not :P.

So amazing that this happened..

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Are you serious?  5?  This is sweet.

Its more effecient than however I'd do this otherwise...

I'm not talking about efficiency. The only event builds that seem to be a true test of skill and not a test of what events you can download to make your project easier are ones that use the default events. And yes, what you're doing IS possible with default events, you just have to think harder.

Theres only 100 events per brick, doing this may take ALOT.

That would be an interesting task though...

Theres only 100 events per brick, doing this may take ALOT.

That would be an interesting task though...

Actually, the PC I made with the default events had seven things: off, startup animation, desktop, and four interactive games. Each brick had no more than 40-50 events, and aside from the screen, only eight other bricks had events on them.

so how many things will this be able to do? and its all built into one screen of 1x1 flat bricks?

Only Ideas I've had so far are Midi, Paint, music player, and -- crap cant think of it.

im sure i could help out if you like. i built an ipod tht can do all that. at least i could give you a few ideas...

Guitar Hero
Placid's Blockdoku
information page
Playertype page (click and you grow, shrink, change playertype)
online armory (get Weapons online)
Other internet pages...

thats all i can think of...
« Last Edit: July 07, 2009, 12:55:33 PM by makanix163 »

unless I can do pong with pixels, meh

guitar hero would be pretty simple. just make a relay down the screen with the on activate pixels at the bottom