Author Topic: Blockland Stopped Responding  (Read 850 times)

Every time I connect to one of Tanner19s servers, I will connect for a while then get "Blockland Stopped Responding". I dont seem to get this in any other server.

I have attached my server.log to see if any of you guys can work out what I have done wrong (I am sure it is my fault).

If you need any more info, just ask.


  • Administrator
Try it with downloads off.

Try it with downloads off.
Just tried that, and sadly no joy.

i have been having the same problem but it is when i start a single player game, i have tryed re-installing the game but it didn't work  :panda: but it might work for you.

Having trouble in multiple server (not the majority of servers, but a few different ones)

I have not tried re-installing, but I would rather keep that as a "last hope" option... So any other suggestions would be appreciated.


  • Administrator
i have been having the same problem but it is when i start a single player game, i have tryed re-installing the game but it didn't work  :panda: but it might work for you.

Make sure you do not keep your old add-ons when you re-install.  Also update your drivers.