Author Topic: Linkuto2121 - Oh god.  (Read 562 times)

LOL thats sad and id buy blockland and sell iy to nintendo and sony and convirt it to wii,ds,dsi,PS2,PS3,PSPand id buy kentucky for no reason and buy Riddlers corpses and put it on a wall and leave as a painting then id eat a sandwitch with diamonds with in them so when i poop it will be shiny :D and id buy my money

What shall we do, gentlemen?

Oh stuff, what happened to my poor quote. :(

Meant to say

What shall we do, gentlemen?

sounds like something i would say

sounds like something i would say

It would mean more coming from you, though.


How about give him no money for anything ever ._.

Shiny poop?

... It might just work...