Author Topic: A Christian church, built 537 years before christ  (Read 4217 times)

I'm not here to argue, but to have some questions answered.

How do they know the exact date?

Could the crosses have not been added, or was the building completely left alone for 2,546 years?

it was built over by invading muslims, for some reason they removed only crosses on the roofs, and just built over to hide all the religious decor on the insides.

but short of about 50k or older years, carbon dating is pretty accurate.

Wow, you think that's actual spiritual literature? where was your source, 4chan? Also, if you're not religious, you don't get to say Holy or Christ or even God. Damn hypocrites =p
What the hell does "Spiritual Literature" even mean? Why would my source be 4chan? Everything on that page are perfectly legitamate argument. Furthermore, the notion that I can't refer to a god because I'm not religious is preposterous.

I'm not here to argue, but to have some questions answered.

How do they know the exact date?

Could the crosses have not been added, or was the building completely left alone for 2,546 years?
It's a typo

I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not.

I'm not here to argue, but to have some questions answered.

How do they know the exact date?

Could the crosses have not been added, or was the building completely left alone for 2,546 years?
Bingo, unilateral thinking outside of the box. Possible answers:

They don't. they can only estimate based off of carbon dating, which isn't exactly effective for non carbon based things that never lived.

It's very possible since churches undergo maintenance and restoration projects all the time, so no one can claim the church is as it was when it started. No way to know.

What the hell does "Spiritual Literature" even mean? Why would my source be 4chan? Everything on that page are perfectly legitamate argument. Furthermore, the notion that I can't refer to a god because I'm not religious is preposterous.

The bible is spiritual literature. What you posted seems to only be another classic case of left-wing propaganda intended to make a person doubt and question their faith. Why is believing in a deity so offensive to you people? Why do you even really care? Has it really affected your life so horribly because someone thinks differently than you do?

To speak the name of God denotes belief in his existence. Plain and simple. If you didn't believe, you'd find something else to substitute it with.

Maybe they had future technology!

But we will never invent such technology, its impossible. Anybody who thinks its possible, think of this, why don't we see anybody from the future?

And for all you precise people that still believe in time travel, go ahead and believe, because why the hell would anybody want to come to our time? And it would be extremely hard to travel to this exact second, no wait, this one... and on...
But if they traveled to any second before us, then we would gain the memory of them coming to us.


The bible is spiritual literature. What you posted seems to only be another classic case of left-wing propaganda intended to make a person doubt and question their faith. Why is believing in a deity so offensive to you people? Why do you even really care? Has it really affected your life so horribly because someone thinks differently than you do?

To speak the name of God denotes belief in his existence. Plain and simple. If you didn't believe, you'd find something else to substitute it with.


Maybe they had future technology!

But we will never invent such technology, its impossible. Anybody who thinks its possible, think of this, why don't we see anybody from the future?

And for all you precise people that still believe in time travel, go ahead and believe, because why the hell would anybody want to come to our time? And it would be extremely hard to travel to this exact second, no wait, this one... and on...
But if they traveled to any second before us, then we would gain the memory of them coming to us.
Nothing is impossible, just highly improbable.
Time travel is possible. We do it every second of our lives. Now the means to control the flow of time, that's the thing we haven't caught on to yet. I for one would love to travel to the past. Like Dr. Emmet Brown said. "To see where we are, where we came from, where we're going, and maybe to answer that universal question...Why?"

The bible is spiritual literature. What you posted seems to only be another classic case of left-wing propaganda intended to make a person doubt and question their faith. Why is believing in a deity so offensive to you people? Why do you even really care? Has it really affected your life so horribly because someone thinks differently than you do?

To speak the name of God denotes belief in his existence. Plain and simple. If you didn't believe, you'd find something else to substitute it with.
1. You didn't bother to read it you close-minded nut. You can't declare propaganda, your religion spreads it around youth like a virus.
2. It's not, it's that people will blindly defend their faith even when everything points against it.
3. Honestly, you can believe whatever you want, the question is if you're so secure about it, why are you getting upset?
4. Yes, it has. Religion interferes with human advancement all the time. We could be well on our way to curing the most horrible diseases if the religious nutwads would shut the forget up. Not only that, but they try to restrict everyone based on their own morals and religious beliefs. Nothing in the government should have anything to do with religion.

Finally, that makes no sense. I can say anything I want, even if I don't believe it. I'm done arguing, however.

Holy stuff. I would ride Titanic down...  wearing thermal gear and a whistle of course.

We could be well on our way to curing the most horrible diseases if the religious nutwads would shut the forget up.

prove it

A bit off-topic but, Did everyone realise the muslims pray to a "cube"
Resembles something, Gentlemen?

This is a dual fail.
537 before christ and alot more before the islam was founded.
A bit off-topic but, Did everyone realise the muslims pray to a "cube"
Resembles something, Gentlemen?
Your posts make no sense to me.

Bisjac, I am going to tell you this politely:
I dont think you know what you are talking about.
I totally agree with Flying Ace.