Author Topic: Near-Death Expierences  (Read 4722 times)

When I was 3 I fell into the deep end of a large pool and almost drowned.

When I was little, my aunt's dog was chasing me, jumped into the pool without a lifevest, if my cousin hadn't jumped in, I would've drowned.

Your turn now.

Idiot. Learn to swim :D

once, i was mucking aroung with my bow, and i shot it against the wind at about a 45 degree angle upwards.

the wind caught it, and it started flying back at me arrowhead-first. so i ran away from it.(wouldn't you?)
but the i tripped and fell, and the arrow got stuck in the ground like 2 feet away from me.
i swear i almost had a heart attack, since ifi hadn't tripped, then i'd have an arow in my head.

when i was 3 and accidently blinded myself with soap. by the time i could see i again i heard the sound of burning rubber if you know what i mean and i was in the middle of the street with a swerving jeep dodging me.

when i was 3 and accidently blinded myself with soap. by the time i could see i again i heard the sound of burning rubber if you know what i mean and i was in the middle of the street with a swerving jeep dodging me.
Were you washing your hands on the street? :o

-When I had fungus on my head
ohay! my bro's BL name is Fungusamongus!
*shivers* hated that night
When I was 5 years old we were moving to ohio, we had all our toys and stuff in the backseat so me and my bro had to sit in the front seat with my mom driving, I fell asleep then i woke to a bumb and screaching, we hit a wall and everything went black for me when we hit the wall
my face was smashed into the radio a few people saw this and called an ambulance, I then woke up when the ambulance had arrived My mom was standing there I asked her "Is this really happening?" she replied with "Yes i'm afraid so" or something couldn't remember, my whole face was bloody and scratched up, there was also i crack in my skull from this I still have a scar on my head from this
« Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 04:26:50 PM by Siba »

My apendix (not the right spelling) was inflamed and we all thought it was just some bad gas. We waited 3 days then when to the ER. The doctors started asking me so many questions. The number 1 question they asked was when was the last time you pooed.... but Im better nao! ^_^

once, i was mucking around with my bow, and i shot it against the wind at about a 45 degree angle upwards.

the wind caught it, and it started flying back at me arrowhead-first. so i ran away from it.(wouldn't you?)
but the i tripped and fell, and the arrow got stuck in the ground like 2 feet away from me.
i swear i almost had a heart attack, since if i hadn't tripped, then i'd have an arrow in my head.
forgetin lol. Why didn't you just get out of the way?

forgetin lol. Why didn't you just get out of the way?

He sais he ran away from it but tripped.

i got hit by a plane

i got shot in the head and lived because i ate a lot of bergers

i got hit by a plane
you're big

i got shot in the head and lived because i ate a lot of bergers
you're big

i know i'm huge ;3

Your head is transparent also. :o

I got stung by a ton of paper wasps when I was three.

Me and my brother went to a junkyard with my father. While they were staring at something, I was just standing there, no worries. Then I notice a paper wasp nest right at eye level, under a table. One wasp comes out, and starts flying near me. Then a few more come out. I start saying "Daaaad... Daaaaaad...", he just replies with "Hold on a second, Alex.". I flinched out of fear and all the wasps attack my face. Then, basically the whole loving nest full of them comes out and joins in. I blacked out for a while, and I woke up to being carried by my father while he was running to the car.

Most terrifying four minutes of my life.