Author Topic: DOF Screenshots  (Read 1029467 times)

A very comfortable map.

What type of skybox is that using?

What map is that?
Slate Death Valley

What type of skybox is that using?
I think the sky textures itself is fine, but the clouds don't loop well

A very comfortable map.
Riot has uncovered the place of his base of Doom.

Silly Riot.
Thought i would stop chasing you as a super secret ninja-detective?

Riot has uncovered the place of his base of Doom.

Silly Riot.
Thought i would stop chasing you as a super secret ninja-detective?

What if i pull that face?
Then it will be stuck like that for a while

Then it will be stuck like that for a while
I'll call for a medic.

Darn i need a DOF for that actually. :C

Some of Barn's Lakeside Port project:

The last four screenshots are pure awesome.