Author Topic: DOF Screenshots  (Read 1030270 times)

I'm making like a thing, WIP ofc
I may or may not move these ruins somewhere else

Ya, really cool use of wedges. But, how the tower has broken seems pretty unrealistic. I think the top should get the most damaged, it seems the most fragile.

Ya, really cool use of wedges. But, how the tower has broken seems pretty unrealistic. I think the top should get the most damaged, it seems the most fragile.
o ya :o I didn't think about it but it probably smashed into the ground instead of just laying down xD
Well this is gonna be a mess. Heh.

edit: how is this
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 02:27:54 PM by Nymethus »

o ya :o I didn't think about it but it probably smashed into the ground instead of just laying down xD
Well this is gonna be a mess. Heh.

edit: how is this
Real... loving... lovey.

Ya, really cool use of wedges. But, how the tower has broken seems pretty unrealistic. I think the top should get the most damaged, it seems the most fragile.

Actually, the way Nym's tower crumbled originally is rather feasible. But who cares about feasibility when the cool factor is there?

Real... loving... lovey.
o thankies :)

I think I'm gonna fix my letter prints so they're the same colour as the brick sides, cause if I do I can use the space along with the wedge print brick thing to eliminate the box patterns or wahtevrfuk you get what I'm saying ye

Actually, the way Nym's tower crumbled originally is rather feasible. But who cares about feasibility when the cool factor is there?
omg barn vs sleven in the ring holy stuff what do

which way is technically and logically correct? this is important to me

Like if it fell a long time ago (very specific ik) and like what would happen to stuff :c im dum
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 02:52:56 PM by Nymethus »

« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 07:56:15 AM by Tally »

Wehrmacht's Operation Metro
Page stretch, deal with it.

The all mighty badspot.
There is me in the orange clothing.

Right before i got bannd for like, an hour i think.


Later, Bushido ran at me with a jackhammer.

Later than later, we all became bikes and fought with guns.

Best server ever.

heres two pics i took over the past few days. i thought they were pretty good, but i havent experimented with dof so im not sure  :cookieMonster:

A preview of the interiors of my Mansion:

The table is set for a humble dinner party...