Author Topic: Blockland Crosshair Gone!  (Read 2051 times)

When i join or host a game, my crosshair is gone. I went to options (CTRL-O) and found this: "Hide Player Names/Crosshair - F5" and i closed the options and hit F5 and then i switched to first person view. But the crosshair still isent there! (it works for the player names) So, yeah. Please help if you can.  -  LOLMAN

You probably aren't looking hard enough!


I Tried what you said, buy that did not work either. Thats right. I reinstalled. And it did not work. Any more suggestions?  -  LOLMAN

Set everything to default?

When you hit reply, hit additional options, then browse, go into where you keep Blockland (Probably Program Files,) and double-click the thing that says Console.

yeah, but idk how to use it =(

Did you try pushing F5 again?
As far as I can remember the setting (names&crosshair on or off) carries between sessions.

If that doesn't work, reinstall and/or give us your console.log (usually at C:\Program Files\Blockland\console.log with default install settings)

Reinstall in a different folder and try it.

yeah, but idk how to use it =(

oooh i get it now i will upload

When you say you are reinstalling, make sure you don't transfer over add-ons. In case this doesn't work, baack your add-ons up, first.