Author Topic: v12 -> v13 Vortex  (Read 62807 times)


Sure you didnt...
« Last Edit: August 25, 2009, 08:47:01 PM by dansmithers »

Trader what news do you have of the other side?! Is the war over? When will I finally be able to settle down and start a family?!

Errr guy's. I think i found a portal as well. Pictures will come soon. All i know it goes to a different place and it looks weird..

Errr guy's. I think i found a portal as well. Pictures will come soon. All i know it goes to a different place and it looks weird..
Nonononono! Stop messing with Trader's story! D:

You are all being tricked by the Dark Side of the Vorce!

The portals you are seeing lead down a path to the Dark Side. Curiousity leads to death...which leads to the Dark Side. You'll get killed and reincarnated.

I know! use the portal gun to shoot it down to the end of the vortex and teleport there.

You fools. Trader was in the vortex too long, the vortex thought he was a chunk of v13 trying to escape, so it cloned him to v13 and deleted the real him. He will be back at v13.

He was banned for giving out secret information.

He was banned for giving out secret information.
Who, Trader?

Who would I be talking about?

I bet its a new paint effect

Riot, you're loving stupid.  It was said that it's just inverted arches, normal arches, red, green, blue, black, glow, and undulo.

I'm afraid Ladios was right, Trader has been dealt with by V13's secret police, and thus is incarcerated until V13's release.