Author Topic: v12 -> v13 Vortex  (Read 62793 times)

So there I was, standing at the brink, trying to make up my mind on whether or not I should trust the wand.  I decided think it over after a good night's sleep.

When I awoke the next day, I somehow knew exactly what I needed to do.  I walked up to the wand and grabbed it by the handle and spoke the incantation:


I thought the spell would take me back to v13-land from the world of vanilla Blockland, but nothing, nothing could prepare me for what would happen next!

It was astounding.  Somehow, the old, powerful magic left in the wand had come alive, causing a convergence of multiple dimensions.  The convergence brought about a singularity within the time-space continuum, and brought me face-to-face-to-face with the versions of myself from these other dimensions.

For a while, we had a nice little chat.  We talked about how much Blockland has evolved over time, how much the people in my dimension miss their arms and legs, and how much the other two are missing out on the event system and brick physics.  It was quite enjoyable, reminiscing about the way things were and they way they are now.  However, it was time for each of us to restore the balance in the universe by rebuilding the divisions between our dimensions.

We all raised our wands high and touched the tops of them together.  The ground began to shake  and the sky sounded like it was being ripped apart.  After that, it's all a blur.  I must have blacked out.  The next thing I remember is waking up, safe and sound back in v13-land.

It was good to be home again.

Ha ha nice.

Love the pic.

Is that Photoshopped or is the wand actually going to be in v13?

Is that Photoshopped or is the wand actually going to be in v13?
Why would someone go over all that trouble, when you can just replace the sword model with the magic wand model.

Trader's back!!!

Did thou see my song?

Haha.  If you really want bonus points (mostly just a great laugh to be had by all of us here at the forum), take some initiative and make a real audio recording of that or some other mishmash of a song.  It DOES NOT even have to be Trader-themed necessarily, but it DOES have to be about Blockland.

This could be really cool, actually.  Let's see what you guys can do.

I found the portal to ROBLOX, but I did not go through as I did not want to turn into a ROBLOXian:

It looks bad though, the bottom half collapsed.

But as for how to get to it, take the magic wand to the Angry Faced Ninja Man, say "THE PORTAL SHALL COMMENCE INTO ROBLOXIA!" Then a third passage will appear, go into that. You should find yourself near the pearooster section of the portal, but if you go down it you reach the section that goes to ROBLOX.

I found the portal to ROBLOX, but I did not go through as I did not want to turn into a ROBLOXian:
<img snip>
It looks bad though, the bottom half collapsed.

But as for how to get to it, take the magic wand to the Angry Faced Ninja Man, say "THE PORTAL SHALL COMMENCE INTO ROBLOXIA!" Then a third passage will appear, go into that. You should find yourself near the pearooster section of the portal, but if you go down it you reach the section that goes to ROBLOX.

Get rid of that loving image, then go die in a fire.

P.S. I hate you.

Get rid of that loving image, then go die in a fire.

P.S. I hate you.
You're welcome...

Get rid of that loving image, then go die in a fire.

P.S. I hate you.


That sucks for Alphaix.

I am George Washington and I can never tell a lie.
Thats Abraham Lincoln to you!


That sucks for Alphaix.

Notice how he didn't even try to regain some respect by removing the image.  What a tool.