Author Topic: [UPDATE] I had a dreams  (Read 2605 times)

I once had a dream where me and my elephant pal ( who was magical. I had a dream 3 years before that where I almost killed the elephant and then it befriended me ) were robbing a arcade/video game store. I knew it was a dream because every one I remember usually has something to do with elephants or supernatural stuff. Apparently, all the employees in the store had guns. I was shot in the head, but my elephant pal gave me life. The end.

Ever wonder about the scary noise that haunted you durring the night when you still had your little poopie pants?

Okay last night a had a very very strange dream I'll try to write it quick before I have to go to my doctors appointment.

I was in a class room I have never been in before, we were making our own pictorial art out of pieces of hard green foam. I made one that looked like an elongated bat, but everyone thought it was a dinosaur. Then my teacher had this weird series of yellow green and red pipes that were all linked together to a whistle. She said to shape your ball as best you could to come out with the correct sound as the colour of your specific ball. Brian and Aiden did there's then left, I tore mine apart because I wanted it to have a very small high pitched sound. The teacher got made at me and told me off, but it was okay because I was absent for a couple of days. Then I went through the Juniors class room and they commented on my dinasour. I tried to go back to my seat but there was a huge fat black kid sitting in it crushing my Ipod touch and phone. I said "niguh wares my back pack bro" Then he said "ah sorry bro it's right here and pulls it out from under him. Then all him and his black friends get out of our seats and Brian Aiden and I sit down and talk about random things. Until the lunch bell rings and everyone runs out of the class room. On the way to lunch I see this girl, she is wearing gray black and dark silver jeans, trying to make my old girlfriend jealous, I walk up next to the girl and grab her hip farthest from my holding her to my side. Then I say let's go and we run down the escalator towards whatever we are going to; I didn't know at the time. I find myself on a walking trail with this girl we go to this small stream of green water. I turn into a lake monster and tell her to go down this stream but she says no we go down the other one. I head into the water first it's green and thick, there are mechanical monster looking things going in and out of the water. I look under the water and see gears and cylinders with a lot of rotating spikes on them. I swim away telling the girl to back up. I get cut on the leg by the spikes and turn back to my normal self. We walk away from the stream. Then I'm panning over the area of the stream and trail like I am in a helicopter and I see a montage of all the times I spend with this girl in little boxes. The last three boxes are just black, the two before that depict and baby then marriage.

I remember romantic dreams, no love, making out or nude stuff happens thought.

This happened on a night trip back home from San Diego a long time ago, i was listening to this beautiful love techno song that i forgot name of.

I wake up in a military hospital tent with doctors looking down at me with tubes and needles in my arm. I remembered from my last dream that i was on a mission to rescue a team from an alien looking bunker ( that time my dream was based on halo).
I remembered the drop ship that carried my wounded self away was full and in the distance i saw a female soldier running toward the ship about 100 feet away out of the jungle swamp mist. I yelled " stop the ship there is someone out there!" but they never saw anyone and just left with me grabbing onto the rail and looking off the ramp down into the trees. I remembered there was a girl that was part of the team that i needed to rescue.
  I got up from the stretcher grabbed the tubes that were hooked up to the life support system and took them out. I walked off and grabbed an assault rifle and put on my helmet (Halo 1 design armor). I found a warthog in the camp and driven off to my destination point. For some reason a days long trip took me five minutes.
I found the Pelican checkpoint area and got out of the vehicle. Walked to were i saw the figure and found a pistol with explosive ammo and a helmet. Then i looked off into the distance and saw an old alien bunker, my last mission took place there.
As i enter i hear gun shots and bullet traces go off in the distance of the building, i run to the spot but no one was there. I find on the floor green blood and bullet shells by a large entrance. I remember that i brought her helmet with me, i look at her id profile in a chip. Something pushed me to find her because i had a feeling i knew her. I ran through the door to find mangled bodies with a pool of green blood, they had marine uniforms but non of them were her. I collected the ammo on the floor and while i bent down to grab the ammo i heard a female voice call out " get down!" thats when something struck me in the back and i flew across the room. The thing hit my wounded area as pain shot up my back, my vision fading, i turn my head to see her blow the thing away with one click from the shotgun and run to help me. She gave me some sort of medicine and thats when the pain was gone, i got up and thanked her and thats when i fell in love. I told her that we needed to get out before more come over, i gave her some of my ammo. I look down at her leg and see a large gash. I said " you are wounded let me help" she said " its just a scratch." For a short while we fought them off until she collapsed on to the cold floor, i ran to her to help her up but she refused. I said " I came here to save you and get you out!" "thats very nice of you but ill slow you down and we both will be killed, ill hold them back just put me by the door." I lifted her carefully and walked to the entrance, and before i let her down she kissed me on the cheek. I looked at her and she smiled, i let her down onto the floor and gave her ammo plus patched her leg up. I walked through the wide door and looked back, and walked off.
    The next day i was sent to secure a bunker by the one that i found her in. A team of seven walked into the mist. Everyone stopped and looked around, i said " whats going on??" i look back to talk to a marine when three marines behind me disappeared with a loud cream, i looked back and fired my gun, then i looked back and found i was all alone. I kept on walking on when i saw a figure in the mist, it was her... with tentacles instead of arms, I was confused, in pain, frustrated, and scared. She saw me, apparently the infection left her head alone so she was able to talk but barely, she told me "" 

I'm so glad to have outgrown those dreams, I hated them. It's like "hey let's piss in this toilet" and you wake up and go "FFFFFUUUUU-"
LOL! that's happened to me before, i freaking hate it.

Giygas dreams are scary.  :panda:

Giygas dreams are scary.  :panda:


You can't comprehend the true form of Giygas' attack!

Sorry for the off-topicness, but why do you keep changing your avatar Valen? Also, the one you have right now is epic. Silly Kira, you can't trust women...

Sorry for the off-topicness, but why do you keep changing your avatar Valen? Also, the one you have right now is epic. Silly Kira, you can't trust women...
I can't decide which one to keep. :c

I can't decide which one to keep. :c

Keep the one you have now. It's awesome.

Hey people, next time you have a dream, say this in your dream, "This is just a dream." you will stuff brix

I remember romantic dreams, no love, making out or nude stuff happens thought.

This happened on a night trip back home from San Diego a long time ago, i was listening to this beautiful love techno song that i forgot name of.

I wake up in a military hospital tent with doctors looking down at me with tubes and needles in my arm. I remembered from my last dream that i was on a mission to rescue a team from an alien looking bunker ( that time my dream was based on halo).
I remembered the drop ship that carried my wounded self away was full and in the distance i saw a female soldier running toward the ship about 100 feet away out of the jungle swamp mist. I yelled " stop the ship there is someone out there!" but they never saw anyone and just left with me grabbing onto the rail and looking off the ramp down into the trees. I remembered there was a girl that was part of the team that i needed to rescue.
  I got up from the stretcher grabbed the tubes that were hooked up to the life support system and took them out. I walked off and grabbed an assault rifle and put on my helmet (Halo 1 design armor). I found a warthog in the camp and driven off to my destination point. For some reason a days long trip took me five minutes.
I found the Pelican checkpoint area and got out of the vehicle. Walked to were i saw the figure and found a pistol with explosive ammo and a helmet. Then i looked off into the distance and saw an old alien bunker, my last mission took place there.
As i enter i hear gun shots and bullet traces go off in the distance of the building, i run to the spot but no one was there. I find on the floor green blood and bullet shells by a large entrance. I remember that i brought her helmet with me, i look at her id profile in a chip. Something pushed me to find her because i had a feeling i knew her. I ran through the door to find mangled bodies with a pool of green blood, they had marine uniforms but non of them were her. I collected the ammo on the floor and while i bent down to grab the ammo i heard a female voice call out " get down!" thats when something struck me in the back and i flew across the room. The thing hit my wounded area as pain shot up my back, my vision fading, i turn my head to see her blow the thing away with one click from the shotgun and run to help me. She gave me some sort of medicine and thats when the pain was gone, i got up and thanked her and thats when i fell in love. I told her that we needed to get out before more come over, i gave her some of my ammo. I look down at her leg and see a large gash. I said " you are wounded let me help" she said " its just a scratch." For a short while we fought them off until she collapsed on to the cold floor, i ran to her to help her up but she refused. I said " I came here to save you and get you out!" "thats very nice of you but ill slow you down and we both will be killed, ill hold them back just put me by the door." I lifted her carefully and walked to the entrance, and before i let her down she kissed me on the cheek. I looked at her and she smiled, i let her down onto the floor and gave her ammo plus patched her leg up. I walked through the wide door and looked back, and walked off.
    The next day i was sent to secure a bunker by the one that i found her in. A team of seven walked into the mist. Everyone stopped and looked around, i said " whats going on??" i look back to talk to a marine when three marines behind me disappeared with a loud cream, i looked back and fired my gun, then i looked back and found i was all alone. I kept on walking on when i saw a figure in the mist, it was her... with tentacles instead of arms, I was confused, in pain, frustrated, and scared. She saw me, apparently the infection left her head alone so she was able to talk but barely, she told me "" 
What the?

Dam Riot has awesome movie like dreams. I wants them.

Well it doesn’t really have anything to do with dreams but when I was little (about 3-5) and i was in my bed I started to hear breathing. The breathing was coming from the closet. Whenever i open the door the sound stops. One night it started getting louder and louder until the door opened and then I started screaming. My dad ran upstairs and it stopped again. Still whenever I sleep in my bed with no one in the house except me and my fan is off I can hear a faint breathing sound... (even if I hold my breath so don’t say its mine)

I just remembered one of my weird dreams.

I dreamt that some new kind of technology was invented that could alter humans like increasing their strength smarts and other things in extremely fast times like in a few hours or days. The school decided to have a field trip to a factory that creates the stuff. It was still being tested so it hadn’t been released to the public yet. When we get there we are greeted by some scientist who gives us all candy and then takes us on a tour of the place. The field trip was a 2 day thing so we sleep in a hotel near the factory. When I wake up in the morning I get up and hit my head on something metal. I start thinking "what the hell"? I look around and I’m in a small cage. Then I look at my hands and I have paws instead of hands and then my alarm woke me up.