
How is our Clan Format?

I'm high, I don't know. *Snif*

Author Topic: Music Cubed [M³] - Taking Blockland Music to a Whole New Level  (Read 14161 times)

Why is an Scripter and Add-on Maker needed in a music clan?

Music videos. We may need to make some extra stuff.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2018, 10:58:25 PM by Krystal »

Also, since I do not know how to convert .wav to .ogg here's something that I wanted to loop, that I made myself. I'm in a band we just haven't practiced yet. >.>
So I can switch my job to #6, here you go.

M³ So do you do Classical and Pop music?

Hmm, I play the Viola ( can play lower than Violin, but can still play high notes ), I don't know how much you'd need a Viola player, but, If you want one, I'll app.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2018, 10:58:04 PM by Krystal »

Hmm, I play the Viola ( can play lower than Violin, but can still play high notes ), I don't know how much you'd need a Viola player, but, If you want one, I'll app.

Are you serious? I used to play the Viola! Until I got a guitar, then I quit orchestra. I was the second best player in the class, next to a girl who had been playing for 7 years, I was about as half as good as her, and had only been playing for one year.



Also, since I do not know how to convert .wav to .ogg here's something that I wanted to loop, that I made myself. I'm in a band we just haven't practiced yet. >.>
So I can switch my job to #6, here you go.

Sure ill convert it and post it :) is it 40 seconds or less?

I play Saxophone. It's HOT. lol

I make music in Garageband. If I ever want to apply in the future, here are a few songs by me.
It sounds great, but in the "Crawl of the Media" song you shouldn't use pre-made tracks, you should make beats from scratch.  Unless you aren't very serious about it, if it's just a "I'm bored, I'll go make some music" kind of thing.  I couldn't tell if you made the piano part yourself or not, but the beat I'm pretty sure you can get from the browse tracks section.

But I might join, this clan looks very nice.  I drum and make music with Garageband and FL Studio 8 Demo version.  I also model, but I'll go into specifics if I ever join.  Once again, nice job on the clan.

Bump, we need a new server hoster. Will's never on.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2018, 11:10:36 PM by Krystal »

I'm awful at making garageband drum tracks from scratch. Everything else I make myself.
There's different things that people have more skill in when making music, like I'm not very creative when it comes to making lead parts, but I'm decent when it comes to making drum beats (because I drum). Which is one of the reasons I like FL Studio, it's really good for making simple background beats or short loops.