Author Topic: Host  (Read 10648 times)

Ahem...I am still waiting for an answer.

Kyzor agrees with the terms and conditions of being in Host.

Name: Kyzor

Id: 11024

Why you want to join: I know how to host well and I have a very good computer to host with.

What good will you put into your servers: It's usually a freebuild, but I try to frequently throw in some themed deathmatches or themed builds. I even have some ideas for small build contests.

Comments: I have a very good team of admins, even though they can get a little feisty with each other sometimes, but it's all in good fun. Spam is cleared as frequently as possible (which is usually pretty frequently), and I have a strictly enforced ruleset with some easy-to-follow, legitimate rules.

Frontrox Agrees with the terms and conditions of being in Host.

Name: Frontrox

Id: 8124

Why you want to join: so many stuffty server around lately,i host but my servers are usually boring.
I think that if i join this clan we can create something out of my server that others will come to.

What good will you put into your servers:I'm usually a good host/admin,i host on a very good computer so my servers almost never lag,i really only  download add-ons i need so i have few add-ons

Comments: Nothing at the moment.
Name: duke 838

Id: 5744

Why you want to join: I just want to help host because i have been bored lately and this looked nice, so i figured i should join.

What good will you put into your servers:If i am correct this server would be there for others to use, so i will have any addons they need. If you act like an idiot you are permanently banned, immediately.
Comments: I can host any time it is needed a regular server or a dedicated.
Kyzor agrees with the terms and conditions of being in Host.

Name: Kyzor

Id: 11024

Why you want to join: I know how to host well and I have a very good computer to host with.

What good will you put into your servers: It's usually a freebuild, but I try to frequently throw in some themed deathmatches or themed builds. I even have some ideas for small build contests.

Comments: I have a very good team of admins, even though they can get a little feisty with each other sometimes, but it's all in good fun. Spam is cleared as frequently as possible (which is usually pretty frequently), and I have a strictly enforced ruleset with some easy-to-follow, legitimate rules.


It may take up a lot of space, but why not have a server status for each member?
EDIT: Just make a link in their name for the server status.
example: heedicalking
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 08:59:58 AM by -Mike- »

It may take up a lot of space, but why not have a server status for each member?
EDIT: Just make a link in their name for the server status.
example: heedicalking
Ok, members, give me a link to server status so I can update the post like I did for me and front.

Blockbuilder321 Agrees with the terms and conditions of being in Host.

Name: Batman_00001

Id: 7500

Why you want to join: I enjoy hosting fun servers, I host often, whether its just building something big, having an RPG, DM, etc. Also, most servers on Blockland aren't fun anymore/or never where, so I hope tp brong some fun servers to Blockland.

What good will you put into your servers: I usually try being as nice as possible to people that come and if I'm hosting something that needs certain add-ons, I usually give post a link in the welcome message if I'm in good mood. And I try my best to help out new people(even though most of them are very stubborn). Anyway, I usually build something nice in Single Player or in a Passworded Server to use in an RPG or DM.

Comments: I don't give out admin to people I don't know or don't trust enough to be Admin. A ban in my server is most likely a permanent ban.

Hey i need a link to the server status thing.


« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 01:57:18 PM by duke 838 »

heed all you need is their ingame name

its really easy to use :/

The chat made me laugh.

Code: [Select]
Big Brother agrees with the terms and conditions of being in Host.

Name: Big Brother

Id: 8294

Why you want to join: It looks fun and I like hosting

What good will you put into your servers: Well a handful of people go into my server every day or so, and I'm open for server suggestions.
Is there any open spaces?
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 03:42:41 PM by Big Brother »
Gen nick is not his in game name, that is why I prefer people giving me links to theirs.
The chat made me laugh.

Code: [Select]
Big Brother agrees with the terms and conditions of being in Host.

Name: Big Brother

Id: 8294

Why you want to join: It looks fun and I like hosting

What good will you put into your servers: Well a handful of people go into my server every day or so, and I'm open for server suggestions.
Is there any open spaces?
There is space, I will accept soon.
Blockbuilder321 Agrees with the terms and conditions of being in Host.

Name: Batman_00001

Id: 7500

Why you want to join: I enjoy hosting fun servers, I host often, whether its just building something big, having an RPG, DM, etc. Also, most servers on Blockland aren't fun anymore/or never where, so I hope tp brong some fun servers to Blockland.

What good will you put into your servers: I usually try being as nice as possible to people that come and if I'm hosting something that needs certain add-ons, I usually give post a link in the welcome message if I'm in good mood. And I try my best to help out new people(even though most of them are very stubborn). Anyway, I usually build something nice in Single Player or in a Passworded Server to use in an RPG or DM.

Comments: I don't give out admin to people I don't know or don't trust enough to be Admin. A ban in my server is most likely a permanent ban.

I still have to review you.

use kalphiter's id list to find their in-game name from their id

« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 04:13:15 PM by -Mike- »

For some reason it wont show if my server if off or on,this one dose

Edit:lets list some helpful dedicated server commands

Edit2:ohsht rtb is broken
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 05:33:57 PM by Frontrox »