Author Topic: Flying Into Vegas Tomorrow You Are So So Hot!  (Read 1230 times)

Got this message on facebook.  Im still trying to figure out if he's really a homo or if it's just a spam bot because he has 418 friends.

Wowwwww. 205 is my actual area code.

Tell him your not a homoloveual. Maybe he will leave you alone or rape you. Worth a try!

Probably it is some number which drains your wallet empty. :D

Shut up and put your money where your mouth is...

Shut up and put your money where your mouth is...
...That's what you get for wakin' up in Vegas

Most likely a bot, no person with a brain would name their kid "Ash Ashten."

Got this message on facebook.  Im still trying to figure out if he's really a homo or if it's just a spam bot because he has 418 friends.
One of my friends who I go to school has around 300 friends on FaceBook.

One of my friends who I go to school has around 300 friends on FaceBook.

I found someone with +700 friends. I hate people who just go around and add random people they don't even know, like everyone in your school or whatever.

I found someone with +700 friends. I hate people who just go around and add random people they don't even know, like everyone in your school or whatever.

If you go to school with them, that's slightly different then someone going around and adding people they never even came across in their lives.

Most likely a bot, no person with a brain would name their kid "Ash Ashten."
A person running for governor in NJ is named Chris Christie :/

Good thing I don't live in Vegas anymore. :)

You should troll him back. >:)

It's fake. Anytime someone says they just flew into town and decided the best way to meet new friends was on  Facebook and not a bar is probably either fat, or an ad.