Author Topic: Ace13  (Read 617 times)

After i Permanetly banned him from my server because he destroyed my whole castle (He was admin) Hes been calling me Supercigarette ever since. Hes been IRC'ing me every day and in every sentence he added Supercigarette. Hes really annoying me!
I try to apologize to him but all he says is No.

You shouldn't of made him admin. Your fault.

You shouldn't of made him admin. Your fault.
Therefore, not drama. Just you being stupid.

You shouldn't of made him admin. Your fault.

He was my freind before, but then he was trying to make a circle, i destroyed his and i made one for him but then he got really mad and called me supercigarette. So i kicked him and he came back and destroyed my castle..

He was my freind before, but then he was trying to make a circle, i destroyed his and i made one for him but then he got really mad and called me supercigarette. So i kicked him and he came back and destroyed my castle..
Your fault.

Then stop befriending 8 year olds.

Then stop befriending 8 year olds.

Isn't that kinda what this topic is about?

he destroyed the "castle" (you didnt notice) and then he destroyed some boxy circle you were making on some baseplates, you KICKED him (ofc he instantly rejoined and was like "very effective supercigarette" or something, I loled) and gave him the opportunity to destroy the "circle" again,(which he did) and THEN you banned him. a few moments later you permabanned him also.

he clearly saw you as a complete moron (prolly cos you made him admin and let him do stuff, he wanded 4 times to destroy the whole thing, he said "oops" every time but you didnt notice that either..) :P

I was like "you didnt even notice he destroyed the castle thing"... and you were like "nuu" and reloaded it.


Your castle sucked anyway

Blockland: Into console - commandtoserver('ban',0,13469,-1,"You are an unpleasant person.");

IRC: /ignore Ace13

That should do it.