
We took Santa because. . .

Kids hate that fatass.
Hes fake.
Mommy, Wheres Santa?
Ho ho ho, merry Chr- (Shoots)
To steal the presents foo!
Santa was giving Coal to bad kids.

Author Topic: Dolb - Dawn of Legend Builders  (Read 11989 times)

Wait, I have to app? Bolt this.
Are you serious? Didn't you read the App Part?
Wow. People are really bored of reading O_o
Plus, we wouldn't let people join without looking at their Building or Eventing Skills. . .

So 5 words: P.H.A.I.L.

Only 2 of those are words.
Well, i really don't care if its 5, 2, 9000, 1M.

Since I was the only one interested in joining, I was hoping for an exception.

Since I was the only one interested in joining, I was hoping for an exception.
You weren't the ONLY one. there was 1 on Paulguy's server. One from a City RPG. and you know, others. So you are about the 6th person.

Since I was the only one interested in joining, I was hoping for an exception.
Don't you know how to send up builds on the Gallery, You can PM me also.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2009, 08:32:47 PM by Kobewarrior »

Alright, finally got my Key back.

Wheres the "forget no" option on the poll?

Wheres the "forget no" option on the poll?
There never was. . . -_-

Why are there no negative options in the poll?

There never was. . . -_-
I know, now make a "forget no" option on there.

Why are there no negative options in the poll?
There is, "Nope, i have a "Mom"

I know, now make a "forget no" option on there.
Nu, there already is one