Author Topic: What was the first Blockland server you ever joined?  (Read 4889 times)

sinbad and hazzards server :cookieMonster:

HellsHero's TDM in v8. Now I'm super admin in his server.

It was some basewars.

And there was this cool looking tall black building.

Lord Tony's.
Didn't last long.
Then I went to some random freebuild, where I spent a good......5 hours......learning the do's and dont's of server joining.
I also met my future first Super Admin.

The first server I remembered joining was either the Pirates or the Ninjas clan server, since the were the only two notable dedicateds around at the time. I also remember joining Wizzards server and admiring his strict rules when it came to who could and COULDN'T build. I was glad to be allowed out of the spawn "pit" and allowed to build.

The first thing I remember building was a huge set of stairs on Green Hills. The next thing I remembered building was a greek acropolis-styled building on Isles of Blockland.

Pandan's Space Wars on the Planets map. That was awesome. I thought the multitool was a weapon...

a USSR server, back in v0002

I think Sweedish Blockworld, v0002. Fun server. After I got banned I moved on to others using that 4 bricks + hammer exploit that I learned there to destroy large builds.