Author Topic: Dix  (Read 3288 times)

Parental controls.
My parents discovered them.

I can only imagine how mind warpingly easy it must be to crack/hack/exploit your way around the Windows Vista parental controls.

Click and drag the hours you want to block or allow

At least you get til 1 AM on Mondays  :cookieMonster:
yeah lol, not sure why that's there.

Click and drag the hours you want to block or allow
I would if i was a admin.
But, they demoted me to standard user.

Look for youtube videos about hacking this. As Sirrus said.

Restore your computer to a week ago.

Restore your computer to a week ago.
One of the things that requires admin.
Plus, i would lose quite a bit of work lol.

I think if I really wanted to mess with my hypothetical children (besides making them use Windows Vista) I'd set up the time like this:

Edit: Ah stuff, reverse that. Blue is the unblocked time.

I think if I really wanted to mess with my hypothetical children (besides making them use Windows Vista) I'd set up the time like this:

lol new thread game.


hahaha ha....

if it wasn't windows vista and was a program, you could just ctrl alt dlte it.

My parents are yet to find out :D