Author Topic: amade bot events- node/botappearance question  (Read 1338 times)

I think I used search enough, and can't quite find the answer I'm look for. Sorry if this has already been answered some where.

I found this,
Node 0 is the right hand.
1 is the left hand.
2 is the torso.
3 is one of the feet, 4 is the other.
5 is your head.
6 is your hat.
7 is your pants.
I don't think there are any more.

but in Amade's Bot Events is there a way to edit body parts? For example, switch feet to peglegs or hands to hooks?

Any information about that, or about bot appearance in general would be loved :)

Thanks! is where I got my information from.

To change feet to peglegs you would have to hide the LShoe and RShoe nodes and unhide the LPeg and RPeg nodes. I think you can figure out the rest now :)

1. Wrench brick
2. Spawn bot
3. /applyav
No thought necessary.

That list you found is the mount points, not the nodes.

oops guess i didn't look hard enough, but thanks for not flaming :)

problem very much solved. locking.