Author Topic: Sheyl v2 WIP (Fixed Foots)  (Read 3670 times)

feet are wtf.  Normal feet don't go perfectly sideways normally.

Arms look great now, feet still ehhh

Nice for a mouse though.

Arms look great now, feet still ehhh

I have yet to fix them, and I never got them right to start with. Notice the WIP; Sheyl v2 isn't even done yet. I still am going to add:

A hueg sword on her back
Better foots
« Last Edit: October 31, 2009, 10:53:15 PM by Spockticus »

Nice for a mouse extremely sensitive gaming mouse that eventually pooped out and forced me to use trackpad though.

Derp. ;P

By the way, if you'd like, I can post my skeletal facial structure thingy references. I did them freehand, but they're still pretty useful and accurate.

Derp. ;P

By the way, if you'd like, I can post my skeletal facial structure thingy references. I did them freehand, but they're still pretty useful and accurate.


Aight, all I have to do is beat up my scanner so it works.

Aight, all I have to do is beat up my scanner so it works.

I should scan my walrus. It looks really good for a 20 minute pen drawing.

feet are wtf.  Normal feet don't go perfectly sideways normally.


you cannot have feet in that position without straining.

I have yet to fix them, and I never got them right to start with. Notice the WIP; Sheyl v2 isn't even done yet. I still am going to add:

A hueg sword on her back
Better foots

Fixed the foots

Keep in mind I've never done a serious non-trace computer drawing before. Think of this as baby's first word.

Her hips seem wrong, but I don't know what's wrong about them.