BlockBot is a woman who works for RTB. She's currently off on vacation at the moment (we give her 10 days a year, she usually takes them all at once).
Fun fact: Blockbot's a bot(!)
There are some people (see above) who think they're really smart and know better, so they think she's a bot. I can assure you (as can the kidney transplant medical bills) that she is indeed a living, breathing (occasionally with assistance) human being.
It's none of your business USD. If you report us to the authorities we'll have to ban you from the IRC.
Now I know you're being sarcastic because there is no way a human can sit on an IRC channel 24/7 and be able to kick someone within the time limit off 0.5 - 1 seconds. Also I've read up about IRC ( Internet Relay Chat ) and know it is possible to create a bot there.
You need to read up on power napping and the magic of red bull. She's so well versed in dealing with naughty kids that she practically knows which ones she'll have to kick so it's just a matter of waiting. You should see her results at those reaction time games, she's a beast.
You'll only find the employee you want when you're not looking for them. I don't think I've ever told the story of how we found BlockBot (her real name is Beebee) - I guess I'll have to write it up some time.
But wait, the RTB IRC bans for Badspot impersonation.