Author Topic: Crashing  (Read 1429 times)

Every time I join a public server, about 10 seconds after I connect, it crashes.
What do I do?
I have a mac and I used to not have any problems

Every time I join a public server, about 10 seconds after I connect, it crashes.
What do I do?
I have a mac and I used to not have any problems
Does it crash near the end?

It crashes while it's still loading datablocks usually.

this happens to me too

Open blockland
Type trace()1; into console before connecting,before connecting
Open program files find lockland and post console.txt

Type trace()1; into console before connecting,before connecting
Jesus christ, you're not even doing it right

Jesus christ, you're not even doing it right
Sorry im trying to lower my noob status.

NVM, it works, but don't lock this topic, I might need it later or tomorrow.

And its happening again.

I can't. It's too long.

I can't. It's too long.
Attachments can't be too big - the console log barely takes up any space.

I can't. It's too long.
I think he is trying to copy and paste...