Author Topic: C++ Runtime Error, But A Different Topic  (Read 369 times)

This has been hassling me for so long, ever since V13. I go to join a server, and then when I'm loading the datablocks I crash. The console is always loading add-ons, but that's normal, and there's nothing unusual in the console. What I have done:
-Removed all of my old add-ons
-Tried to fix it by going over it with Space Guy, I did exactly what he said to and yet it kept happening.

One thing I do notice is that it only happens on certain servers, like Space Guy's, Bushido's, and Taboo's. There are a few others but still, it's really annoying.
My only conclusion can be that V13 has a bug. I guess I'll have to wait for V14. =\

I also get this as well. I do not know if the following is true but it is an assumption.

It usually happens to me on servers with alot of add-ons, maybe it has to do with max add-ons you can have? I dunno.

those people you named run testing severs most of time so it could just be a bug in add-on there making or maby badspot is trying to end
 blockland for ever i hope not

Do you both have macs? I get something similar, but its 'Buffer Overrun'.

i have pc.  i get runtime error all the time.  it appears to be linked to downloading a high number of datablocks at one time.  i say at one time because if i rejoin the server, im usually fine.  however, i also get runtime error (very rarely) when i am testing new weapon or vehicle add ons.

those people you named run testing severs most of time so it could just be a bug in add-on there making or maby badspot is trying to end
 blockland for ever i hope not
This also just happened to me on SpaceBlock's server--he doesn't do that.
I'm on a Vista, but I doubt it has anything to do with anything