Author Topic: Cats - They cheat :(  (Read 8089 times)

My cat is spoiled, but cute in return. We buy her wet food and she only eats the gravy from the tins.
Cats do cheat, they can stare anything into you.

i demand to see a cat walk through a wall.

Cats are:
Balanced Acrobats

Cats are not:
Stupid cigarettegy dogs

Cats are:
Balanced Acrobats

Cats are not:
Stupid cigarettegy dogs

i am glad you did not put 'funny' under what cats are.

i am glad you did not put 'funny' under what cats are.

Cats are:
Balanced Acrobats

Cats are not:
Stupid cigarettegy dogs

Cats are:
Balanced Acrobats

Cats are not:
Stupid cigarettegy dogs


Contrary to popular belief, cats are actually Ninjas Spys

Contrary to popular belief, cats are actually Ninjas Spys
Saw those d00ds in Ninja Assassin movie? Those were actually undercover ninja cats undercover as Ninja Assassin's.

Saw those d00ds in Ninja Assassin movie? Those were actually undercover ninja cats undercover as Ninja Assassin's.

I find this movie quite funny, mainly because Ninjas ARE Assassins.

I know this is completely off topic but I found this after a few "related video"  clicks

edit: AFTER I youtubed "cats land on feet slow motion demonstration"
« Last Edit: November 16, 2009, 11:34:29 PM by orange wolf »

i hav a cat names dookers and one time i was pluyin with my pokmon cards and he came nd ninja scratched me and i wuz lyk omgwtfbbq hax and he like moo and then he jump out window then i go watch tv and then i go find cat and he has my pokmon cards on roof and i lyk gimme back and ge like nuu and i get out my bbgun and shoot at him and he use matrix and doge then i get mad and turned into munky but he used lazer beam and shoot me and then he goes into hose and eat all my yogurt and i lyk all mad so i get my pet dinosore and sick it aftur him and he like haha and he turn into rayman and use his lazer balls and then go back to cat mode and he sey oin arnuld swurzinagger voice that if i try to get him again he kill babie so i stop and he kil babie anyway and i get mad and he scratch me that piss me off so we go to train tracks and have a samurie duel and he win and then he gets hit by train but he watched hanrooster so he threw train to sun and i get mad he still alive so i feed him poisen yet he laffsa at me again ucuz he immune and then we play videogames and i win and he get mad and goes to sleep for the night

They have an integrated internet system that allow them to find cheat codes on the internet.

Sadly though, they hacked Google and locked their sites so that nobody but cats can access or even see the url.
On their private internet system lies a whole system of testing and examination of us humans to find out how and why we do things. They follow our commands to feign as if they are only animals, and not hyper-dimensional intelligent beings.

Subtle tests may have been conducted on us, and this topic may be one of the cat's mistake of running the test incorrectly, triggering an reaction in the brain to create a topic on this forum, causing a unauthorized distribution of ideas relating to the cat's intelligence and ingenuity.

They probably have many files from around the world, and broadcast it to more intelligent beings off Earth and past the Milky Way Galaxy. Foreign beings from another world may be on this planet right now, disguised as humans, using the information the cats have given them to blend in to the environment.

The only motive cats have for betraying the human race is because they want to go to other planets.

Damn those loving cats.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2009, 11:56:29 PM by Conan »

You guys know how toast always lands butter-side-down right?
has been busted...