COOL -6cookies- -4icecreams- -3nes- -3cookiemonsters- -somerandomspam-
From my early days when I was still learning TorqueScript: A solid 10 pages of flame.
I saw it.... forget them
Quote from: BobAndRob on December 17, 2009, 10:00:30 PMThis is... you know what? He'll read your comment. Nevermind me.
I made EVERY SCRIPT that is not in a standard installation of Blockland that I use on my server.I want to release it eventually, but only after I finish cleaning up and documenting my code.And yes, about a year since I started. I bought BL in... october? of 2008. But I first tried the demo at v1.03.
If i was badspot i'd fail bin this right now cause when i tried it it chrashed my whole computor... Oh no not just blockland my WHOLE computor... D:<
heres a major bug, if i go into slate and i say /snow 10, my computer crashes and i gotta reformat it -_-