Author Topic: Player_Halo :P  (Read 34261 times)

This is a amazingly fast player,

Crouch 100*100
Walk 100*100
Jet 100*100

----------------Idea From--------------
I got this idea from The Halo 3 Vallhala and I want it badly

Brian Smith XD
Buttered Toast for testing!

----------------DL link------------------
It's hidden in the message for you to find!
Please tell me how to force a decal! Thanks!
« Last Edit: December 23, 2009, 01:33:33 PM by skaterman »

Is it... useable while building?

Is it... useable while building?
Well, The crouching speed is 100, if your trying to crouch throught something, you will be there before you know it.

Hey skaterman, it's me, Buttered Toast. Reallt nice, I likey. DL.

Two questions left for me:

What would you use it for?

How is this relevant to Halo?

Two questions left for me:

What would you use it for?

How is this relevant to Halo?

Use: Halo DM/TDM

This is Relevant: Halo is faster then the stupid troops next to him, he can jump over him, if i said i added jets, i didnt. You cant jet in halo, also, i said why i made it...

Use: Halo DM/TDM

This is Relevant: Halo is faster then the stupid troops next to him, he can jump over him, if i said i added jets, i didnt. You cant jet in halo, also, i said why i made it...
I think halo is a pretty cool guy
eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything

(Also it's Master Chief)

does it have a spartan armor model?

I think halo is a pretty cool guy
eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything

(Also it's Master Chief)

I was going to do that :(

You changed the speeds. To high and irrerational levels. This isn't a spartan player type.

It's bad, but not because it's Halo.

Oh god, that means you crouch through bricks?

This is probably your first addon.
Never post first addons. They nearly always suck.

Oh, and this has nothing to do with Halo. Don't be a dumbass and hide the link and say "PLEASE POST ABOUT THIS!"
That makes you an automatic idiot on this forum. The only reason someone wouldn't post is either because the topic is locked or that there was nothing reasonable to say.

Yes, I am flaming.

um yeah im not so sure about this :panda: