Author Topic: Future update ideas  (Read 5081 times)

Random Lighting storms would rock! The stamina run bar would suck.(Imagine how much harder it would be to hit people. Running up mountains and jumping like mario!)

Here is my idea- Custom Arrows! You get some ingredients and take it to the blacksmith, and then you can make arrows with special effects. Like bouncy arrows, or ones that make a circle of burn around where they hit, and or actual dynamite arrows that explode in a few seconds with dynamite effect. Something like that would be intresting.

Anything would be interesting at this point.

Anything would be interesting at this point.
agreed the game is becomeing old nothing new has happend with a sugnificant impact on the gameplay we need an update

Shut up x-trem now you have just given us more reason to believe that you're halofreak, becauseyou just have said "the game is becomeing old" and if you are not halofreak, this game is still fairly new to you

Shut up x-trem now you have just given us more reason to believe that you're halofreak, becauseyou just have said "the game is becomeing old" and if you are not halofreak, this game is still fairly new to you
what the fuck ok even if youve only played for about 2 months it get fucking old after a while and besides isnt there suck thing as accounts before the era of halofreak i believe so no gtfo and leave me the fuck alone

I've been playing for like, 8-9 months now, maybe even longer

And I've been here longer than most of you....

I'm a newb!  No really, I am.

I been playing for quite a while. My AOT character is about 2-3 months older than my forums account