Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 524580 times)

granted, but you get nothing

i wish i wished for freshly fished fish by sally selling seashells by the seashore on a sunny day enjoying the sand

Granted but you are killed by the alliterations you just dumped everywhere.

I wish for the power to shapeshift.

But you shapeshift into a condom, which is then used.

I wish my NAT was open.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 09:11:44 PM by ieatbabies1997 »

Granted, but then it glitches and becomes unusable for the next five years.

I wish I had no homework.

Granted, but I forget your mother.
That, and you don't understand the material, causing you to fail.

I wish the nuclear bomb was never invented.

Granted, but then America lost WWII, the national socialists succeeded in creating zombies and developing that big-ass tank they were planning, and created a recipe for danishes that were better than Danish danishes, therefore ending the world. Smooth.

I wish that my di-
No, wait, that's not appropriate. I wish that was appropriate :cookieMonster:

Granted but its still inappropriate.

I wish that there was no such thing as Inappropriate.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 12:34:56 AM by Kobewarrior »

Granted but its still inappropriate.

I wish that there was no such thing as Inappropriate.
Wish granted, but you made everyone in the world hate you. Not to mention the fact that you made everyone perverted AND merged the world into chaos. and when 2 minutes into this wish, you have already been raped.


Wish Granted, but, you fly into a building and rupture your skull.

I wish that this threa-

Granted, but the thread comes back to life.

I wish for A.R.C. to not hate me.

Granted, but now everyone hates you.

I wish I never got tired.

Granted and you get an extra bunch of hours of sleep that you use to master everything and get bored and kill yourself because your bored.

I wish i could have a lucid dream tonight.

Wish ganted and nothing that you can notice is diff or happens when you wake up.

I wish you would return the favor and i had a dream i could remember

Granted but you wet your bed after remembering.

I wish I could copy people and shapeshift into them  :cookieMonster:

Oh, here's there thread. :D

Granted, but you shape shift into a person that dies as soon as you shift.

I wish I could know anything I ever wanted to know without ever forgetting.