Author Topic: 3ds max to blockland workflow?  (Read 1824 times)

I've done all I can to reduce my high poly modeling techniques down to a style that suits blockland, but now I'm at a loss as to how I actually get my models ingame. The regular dts exporter won't let me export without creating bounds, and seems to not pickup my animations either.

Importing to milkshape through obj loses my animations, and importing a 3ds into milkshape splits my model into pieces, and also removes my animations once again. Blender doesn't seem to do much better either.

So my question is this: How do I export my 3ds max models into dts and dsq, with all material, model, and bone/animation information retained?


Garagegames I am sure has a tutorial on this. Also, do not try to use milkshape, especially for vehicles. Milkshape produces box shadows and stuffs all over alot. I used it and it sucked.

Garagegames I am sure has a tutorial on this. Also, do not try to use milkshape, especially for vehicles. Milkshape produces box shadows and stuffs all over alot. I used it and it sucked.
Well I'm using the garagegames dts exporters, and they aren't retaining my animation information, or letting me export without a bounding box.

Well I'm using the garagegames dts exporters, and they aren't retaining my animation information, or letting me export without a bounding box.
Is there an option to auto generate a bounding box? For blender you don't need one. I think there is a dts export super deluxe or something that has tons of features.

I've found a dts exporter that might work, but I'm yet to test it.

Anyway, I'm going out now, so when I get back I'll test it. If it works I'll throw together a resource for exporting from max 10 into blockland.

So you lecture me on welding..


I don't use 3DS anymore.
I tried it back when Kaje was around because I was jealous.
But I gave up because exporting caused problems.

So you lecture me on welding..
I don't quite understand what you're getting at. Welding is a universal thing, quality standard wise. I don't think me suggesting you weld has anything to do with me wanting to know how to export properly. But anyway, don't derail this please.

Back on topic, I got the exporting working fine and dandy, with sequences and all. The only problem I'm running into is that it's actually exporting the bones as shapes ... which is not good. I'm going to try and contact kaje, now that you mentioned he uses (Or used?) 3ds max. Hopefully he'll be able to shed some light on the situation.

If all else fails, I'll use my copy of Max 9, instead of max 10.

It's all working, except for flat shading. Still not sure how to do that.

If anyone can help, please post :C
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 03:16:07 AM by Thalberg »

It was confirmed that the flat shading problems were actually with the exporter, not with my methods.

So sadly I've really hit a bump in the road now. Unless I can find a different max2dts exporter for max 10, or max2dts pro for 9 ... I'm done :(