Author Topic: I found a working canoe by the swamp!  (Read 5736 times)


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It was funny but frustrating, what with me spending an hour trying to get it over the mountain, then the other side and I come back and miked gets it over in a second. =P And no, it's not modded.

Yay, another Boat named "Horse"!!!!  Once upon a time when boats would automatically spawn, there was another boat named Horse, remeber?? Anyone??? No?...Oh well....
i remember. me and someone else killed it

Yay Miked finaly got it to PT kudos =D

Yay, another Boat named "Horse"!!!! Once upon a time when boats would automatically spawn, there was another boat named Horse, remeber?? Anyone??? No?...Oh well....
i remember. me and someone else killed it

Thats right! you were in the port town sea near D2 werent you? I dont know how I remember this

on another note...

Im now faced with a prediciment; I can let everyone drive the boat themselves and probably lose it within an hour to someone wanting to make money from it or kill it, or to keep it to myself then offer some free taxi rides so most people atleast see it, and know what boats used to be like when they were a part of the game. And its a handy feature everyone gets to use for a week or so before its removed or eventually stolen, as its a really quick way to logs and SB. A couple people called me selfish for picking the second option, but I think its the least selfish really... At least this way the most people get goes, and Im making no personal gain

btw how fast does the canoe go? (compared to horse on land)

It's still alive? I'll come see it.

Keep it for yourself, Miked. If you let others use it, some jackass like Cougar will just destroy it.

btw how fast does the canoe go? (compared to horse on land)

slighly faster, probably because there is no change in gradiant.

:O that shoulda been mine D:
kidding just keep it

It is around double the speed the horse is on straight land.

me r nto reel me liek fishees