Author Topic: A shocking discovery about GreenBH...  (Read 31628 times)

Asperger Syndrome, not Asparagus :)

You do realise if GreenBH reads this he will be so embarrased? You people are such jerks but Ive got to admit that it is weird.

You do realise if GreenBH reads this he will be so embarrased? You people are such jerks but Ive got to admit that it is weird.

I can't wait. He probably already has. I've got my money on him throwing some denial crap at us.

Lol I can't help but laugh... but seriously... this is sooooooooo fcked up!

Its all bullstuff. But the thought is odd, however.

I find this surprising, as I always thought GreenBH had a vagina.

I always thought GreenBH had a vagina.

What has that got to do with anything?

I find this surprising, as I always thought GreenBH had a mangina.

What has that got to do with anything?

Because he's constantly on his, "period".

Why do you people care?

Why do you people care?

Good question.  I guess the drama forum is just a good spot to slag off everyone and let off steam. Without it; the forums would probably clog up and slowly deteriorate turning out either like 4chan or Roblox Forums.

Yeah, but it's about someones special interest. Everyone has special interestes. Does it make people feel better to attack someone for theirs?

Why do you people care?

When an issue with another human being doesn't conform to, "normal" standards within a small, or large population, most of the community of that population make the decision to insult the, "immoral" and, "non-normal" individual due to the fact they are unlike themselves, or simply to gain a higher status in the community they are in.

Seph beat me to the whole special interest post :(