Author Topic: *New LAG Icon!!* -UPDATE- Now transparent-  (Read 39566 times)

Try something more colorful, like this, but that one you made, is fine.

Everyone that has said _No._ Is a forgetIN CRITIC!!!

I find its awsome and should not be doubted by saying _No._
At least say whats wrong with it for forget Sake...

I'm not agreeing with what I put now... but here is what you could put:
'Its wrong and it has bad laguage in it'
'What if a little Child about the age of 7 reads it and tells his/her mom about it and she gets really mad with her child!'
'Dude... Its swearing and it's wrong... Plus you shouldn't make a modification like that'
'You can't see the forgetIN in it because it's to small...'
(-( This could be one... I'm not sure..... )-)

You could at least tell Maddax about one of these or one of your own problems but just don't say _No._ for once.....
Note how all the reason you posted were because of the word... People don't like it because we don't need every Ui edit to have it's own thread. There is the Ui Dumping Area thread now for all Ui edits.

1.ummm wheres link
3.why is everyone saying NO

1.ummm wheres link
You save over the normal LAG icon so you don't need a link.

All these UI edits are being made because people can't make real add-ons. The people making them wish they could and this is the only way they can get any sort of attention for themselves.

Anyone who considers releasing one of these stupid edits needs to stop that thought and go learn how to make a real add-on before you can be recognized in the Add-On forum.

I see your No and I'll raise you two Hell no's.
I see your two hell no's and raise you fifteen forget no's.

like it all of the others are brainless losers

Why post this things you could just make your own its very easy.....

What is the point of this exactly?