Author Topic: Blockland Application Closes Immediately  (Read 2275 times)

Well, normally I know how to solve my own problems. But this one stumps me. I'm on a Mac OSX 10.4.11. V14 shows up on the doc for about half of a second. Then it disappears. Same thing every time. Every other version has worked perfectly fine. I've tried re-installing a few times. That doesn't help. So maybe it's my system? I have no clue. Help, please!

I have the same type of computer and I also tried everything, I need help too. :/

So could we get any help?

that happened to me for a month till i re downloaded BL. try it.

I've done that like 5 times... But I'll go for it again.

Yeah. I did it. Didn't change anything. Any other advice? Please?

is it your network? do you have a firewall? do you have a stuffty load of datablocks? the answer is in the question. :cookieMonster:

is it your network? do you have a firewall? do you have a stuffty load of datablocks? the answer is in the question. :cookieMonster:
You don't know what you're talking about.

If you would read, shaun<numberspam>, you would know.

Why do you call it an "application"?

Is it not an application?

Ahem. It's the same lingo both sides, buddy. Lrn2bSMRT

When I tried transmitting Blockland Aero and replacing the default ui with it, Blockland wouldn't start up and would immediately close. (As you described) I found that weird so I put the default ui back in and Blockland worked perfectly. (I really have no clue as to why this is, but if this helps you then I'm glad I posted)


  • Administrator
You need OSX 10.5 or 10.6

Apple has made it impossible for a single app to work on both 10.4 and 10.6.  Therefore you must fork over the money to upgrade.

You signed on for this bullstuff when you bought a Macintosh.  Deal with it.