Author Topic: Obito10 - forget it out your bum hole.  (Read 8351 times)

You all are cigarettes. and you all are idiots. I cant believe that you'd "crack" on me and I have more $$$$ mu-la than you made since you were 1 years old. And right now you have (sfx fart noise) compared to what I have. Look at your selves then look at what you're doing.
I'll let your slow small minds take it all in. Now think what really are you doing> A. being an ass
                                                                                                                       B. making a fool of your self
                                                                                                                       C. going to heavan

Well we can cross out C, so all we have now is A and B now I will let your once again slow minds take that in and think.
internet tuff guy

internet tuff guy

No skip I'm just smarter than you. ALL OF YOU! (-_-)

exerting you you're smart too. i think.
no, you're poor
and extremely stupid

no, you're poor
and extremely stupid

never mind you're an idiot too.

No skip I'm just smarter than you. ALL OF YOU! (-_-)
<insert hysterical laughter>

You all are cigarettes. and you all are idiots. I cant believe that you'd "crack" on me and I have more $$$$ mu-la than you made since you were 1 years old. And right now you have (sfx fart noise) compared to what I have. Look at your selves then look at what you're doing.
I'll let your slow small minds take it all in. Now think what really are you doing> A. being an ass
                                                                                                                       B. making a fool of your self
                                                                                                                       C. going to heavan

Well we can cross out C, so all we have now is A and B now I will let your once again slow minds take that in and think.

Well look at that, the 3:47 rolled into station right on time.

Now let me make this clear, first thing, money (note I actually spell it out instead of spamming dollar sign followed by the redundant slang term) has no relevance on these forums, as far as money goes its the $19.95 to by the activation key and then no one on the forums cares how much you have.

You could be the second richest person in the world and that would still not hold any merit here, because if you haven't realized this is a building game (Note to Obito, if you're having trouble following this so far, don't worry; just tell me if this is beyond your reading level and I'll dumb it down for you), what earns you respect here is not whether you have a Ferrari, satchels of cash, or a zero gravity chamber (although the last one actually might help a bit), all that matters is whether you can build/mod/event whatever you can do to contribute to society and whether you're an intelligent being and not some drooling idiot who thinks that acting tough, rich, or "gangsta" is going to get himself any credit.

Now get that through your thick skull and hopefully you can outlast the person comrade brought the forums wrath down upon.

Two PMs I just got from him.
As a foolish idiot, such as your self, I would have said forget you, or stick it up our bum hole. But I know that I have more knowledge than to make myself look stupid, like you for instance, I say Forgive and let go.

But, If you harass me with this "stuff" again I will spam you over and over and over again.
and I will find a way to mess you up on blockland for life. So please for your sake. "DONT (loving) TEST ME"
my response
harass harass harass harass

You think you're soo funny, well I dont care (sfx Laughing) I have a life. I dont need blockland to make myself look good.


So, he's too intelligent to insult, but he'll gladly spam the hell out of you?

So, he's too intelligent to insult, but he'll gladly spam the hell out of you?
I laughed when he said he wasn't going to make himself look bad after he stole a build.

ugh, I just noticed some typos I made -_-.
link=topic=98876.msg1901875#msg1901875 date=1265666753]
Quote from: Skip
So, he's too intelligent to insult, but he'll gladly spam the hell out of you?

Apparently he doesn't realize that any of his actions outside of the forums will still reflect badly on him.

And what is up with this (sfx) crap he keeps using, it isn't adding any humor or eloquence to his statements.

Dammit, I'm just typing terribly today.

ugh, I just noticed some typos I made -_-.
link=topic=98876.msg1901875#msg1901875 date=1265666753]
[quote author=Skip
So, he's too intelligent to insult, but he'll gladly spam the hell out of you?

Apparently he doesn't realize that any of his actions outside of the forums will still reflect badly on him.

And what is up with this (sfx) crap he keeps using, it isn't adding any humor or eloquence to his statements.

lol giant typo

No doubt he's reporting this topic. What a dumbass.