Author Topic: I'm getting a computer  (Read 2213 times)

So yeah. I'm going to make a computer. I'm sure I can make it, I'll have my old computer to model it off of, I can always use tutorials, and if all else fails I have a friend and cousin who would probably be able to help.

Anyways, making it really is not the issue... The problem is I don't know what parts I should buy. I have a budget of 700 dollars, and I'd like the computer to, at the very least, be able to run TF2 at 30-50 fps. (I'd also like it to be able to run bioshock 2 at a reasonable fps as well, if possible)

That's really the only requirement. I would expect to have a computer than can do a little more than that for 700 dollars, but still, back to the main point- I don't know what to buy. Think anyone here could compile a list of compatible parts?

(Just for the record, I asked someone a while ago if he'd help out, but he hasn't thus far. Needless to say that if he does I'll probably take his advice.)

TL;DR: Compile a list of computer parts for me with a cost of 700 dollars that can run tf2.

It looks like you already have one.

It looks like you already have one.

This computer can't run tf2, and my family needs another one because currently this one is the only computer capable of doing anything other than turning on.

Which components are you hoping of having in this computer for $700?
I have a massive budget for a new desktop I'm building, Going to have two of these.
...but then again, I do animation and graphic design for a business.
Good luck with that computer. :)

Which components are you hoping of having in this computer for $700?
I have a massive budget for a new desktop I'm building, Going to have two of these.
...but then again, I do animation and graphic design for a business.
Good luck with that computer. :)

Just for the record I'm not the most tech savvy person around when it comes to computer parts. I don't know what makes them good or not. The only 2 things I know anything about are RAM and Hard Drive space.

But just to clear at least one thing up, a 400gb hard drive and 4gb of ram would suffice.

Chain ban?
No, you got me banned once, don't make it happen again >:(

No, you got me banned once, don't make it happen again >:(
When'd I get you banned?