Author Topic: New Self Delete Image.  (Read 18647 times)

New ones!

*cough* off topic.

(Plus a Bump)

There we are. Sorry for that wait.

I win
Looks like a giant stick thats yellow, with muzzleflash.

Looks like a giant stick thats yellow, with muzzleflash.

Not entertaining, or original...  lets stop making fun of that picture now... please.

how do u put this in blockland??

Belongs in (base/client/ui/ci) Where the Skull Image is.
I think its a good substitute.
Download ->

Boom headshot!1! :D

Could you post a DL link for those? :D

Right click --> save as...

rename em.

1. not transparent
2. No. just no.
3. its not bloody enough

1. not transparent
2. No. just no.
3. its not bloody enough
1. forget you, have you even tried it?
2. forget you, it's good.
3. forget you, it doesn't have to be all over the screen.

1. not transparent
2. No. just no.
3. its not bloody enough

Not only what the guy above me said, but it is transparent.