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Author Topic: Unluckiest Blockland Moments  (Read 26957 times)

I was playing a Dogfight, and was looking down from a plane (I was in back.) and a bunch of zombies went on somebody's plane. This next part is so unlucky you wont believe me, but it's true. the other plane flew right above me and apparently, the pilot was killed. The plane got shot down, and a bunch of zombies landed on my plane. I just got out when the plane blew up, and... (you can guess what happened, right? If not...) I


I hopped around a corner once with a shotgun, and got mowed down by sentries.

I was in the maze build on a knife DM, it turns out i was teamed up on so I turned a corner and found myself surrounded, unarmed, by like 5 guys with butterfly knifes.

bump cuz i like this thread

i was using the bugs mod 1 and i had planted a worm, thats really hard to kill then i turned into a scorpion using the mod, the worm caught me and it killed me instantly

i was using the bugs mod 1 and i had planted a worm, thats really hard to kill then i turned into a scorpion using the mod, the worm caught me and it killed me instantly

Thanks for bumping?

I was on Wizard's Dog fight server

I threw a Stick grenade on a guy on the lighthouse while parashooting and knocked him off. I thought there was no one on the tower. I turned around and got well and truly pwned by a guy with Akimbo pistols. BEWM!!! HEADSHOT.
And dont try invading MY lighthouse again.

Luckiest Kill Ever: I was on a matrix server and a guy shot a rocket at me(it was slow-mo)and I jumped on top of it shot it with my Rocket and It Exploded sent me flying in the air and I landed on the other guys head it was awesome
You can't jump ontop of rockets.

Medic uberd me.
I walked off a goddamn cliff.

I was messing with mission editor to make the mountain range higher, but I leveled the entire map.

Bump because the other one got bumped also.

I ran out into the center of the plaza to get the SKS on GCat's server, barely evading gunshots while the two other guys I was with were gunned down. I ran into a short building, up to the top, and starting sniping the Rebel's base. I ran out of ammo and pulled out my SKS as I noticed a sniper pop up and start scanning my building. If I missed this shot, I knew I was dead. Aiming carefully, I pulled the trigger...


Apparently I forgot to reload after emptying it at the nearby soldier...


I'm dead.
