Nations at War - Closing Time!


How many pages will this thread have when it finally dies?

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Die?  Ha!
Voter is lame.

Author Topic: Nations at War - Closing Time!  (Read 210573 times)

Air defenses are readied
*Passanger plane comes into airspace*


My reactions exactly.

The Prophet is acting very much like the late Ivek Tuevon XL.

what the forget?

We're not attacking, we're just on our guard in case of any funny business.  Why would you feel the need to announce this plane, when hundreds fly every day?

Klevinstein begins to reform back to democracy, however supporters of the KPU are not happy, tensions are rising, by October 8th, the KPU Splits from Klevinstein all together, both nations have the same anthems, but different viewpoints

Nation Name: Klevinstinian Peoples Union
Government Type: Communist

Economy Type: Capitalist/Communist
Currency: Rlus
Currency in comparison to Euros: 1.09

Population: 100,345
Religions: Christian
Languages :English, German, Russian

Map :
Major Cities: Shalnklov, Holsshland
Capital City: Shalnklov

Trade Partners: N/A
Alliances: N/A
Organizations: N/A

*Defcon Level: 3
Military Tech:

WW2 Japanese tech

National Anthem : Long Live The Union! (Lyric Changes, obviously)

Call To Arms: With the people, for the people   (Lyric Changes)

President: Hansolov Hosna

History : Separated from there previous oppressors, Klevinstein, they are considered a rouge state

Everybody pay attention, because the following is probably one of the most important developments this thread has seen:
1.) The tech ceiling will be eliminated forever on March 1.
2.) After further review of Swat's mind control stuff including the science behind it, the existence of it, &c., I have determined that it will not be used at this point in the RP.  Actions involving it or its usage are voided.  There is a caveat, however.  As of March 1 it will be allowed since all hell will break loose at that point anyway and technology will spiral out of control, this won't make much of a difference, and it could probably exist in the coming years.
3.) Aside from that, there should be no sudden outpouring of scientific advances on March 1.  The tech year will not be jumping to match the actual year, it will be advancing by the current timescale of 1 day = 1 year.  Do not make me regret removing the tech ceiling by abusing this.  Technological advancement in the future is a fairly sketchy thing with little or no certainty, so when reviewing technologies I will base my decision on conservative estimates.  I will try to be fair and reasonable, but I also really don't want to see the world plunged into chaos by this.

I predict that that third one will bring me a lot of heat both now and in the future, but I feel that all that is there is more or less reasonable and fair.  Alterations can be made to any of the more controversial aspects with a vote, or at the very least I will take a poll and its results will carry weight in any decisions made.

The last few rulers of Erinaum have reminded me of the late Ivek Tuevon on various occasions.

The AC will aid democratic Klevinstein if asked.

NTA launches it's first moon-walk mission, and lands the first NTA man on the moon.


Oh hey it's this empire again

Royal Conservatian Empire
Militaristic Monarchy

"All men are cattle, we're here to herd them."
Anthem & stuff

Economy Type: Government Controlled Markets
*Currency: Conservatian Empire Dollar, CED
*Currency in comparison to Euros: 1 CED = 7 Euros

Population: 3,842,145,422
Religions: Christianity, Roman Catholicism.
Languages: English(Common), French, Spanish, German(Common), Russian, Greek, Italian, Latin(Common).

*Major Cities: Civitas Lacrimae, Urbem Regiam, Morti Urbe, Vålderesk, Nimun, Sånyéta, ßedzano, Nüminà.
Capital City: Urbem Regiam

Trade Partners: N/A
Alliances: East Erinaum, Atsnia, Belsnia.
Organizations: N/A

*Defcon Level: 5
Changes will definitely be made in the future.

Notable Peoples:

General James Norrington
Admiral Jean Du Bois


Special Weaponry


Here's some trivia, all trainees enter bootcamp at age fifteen, bootcamp isn't like what it is anywhere else in the world. Conservatian Bootcamp is a system within every city and town, big or small, and there are certain procedures. For example, most Conservatian soldiers, and are trained to be extremely obedient. For most of their young life and onwards until graduation, they are drugged to gradually feel less and less pain. There are numerous steps in bootcamps and are somewhat different around the country, but all include the following two stages: At age 16 two individuals are paired for partners, they are given a puppy to raise for a year. At the end of the year, they either strangle one another and hopefully both don't die or strangle the puppy.

Deployed Armed Civilians

Military Police

Standard Footman

Woodland Footman

Northern Footman

Desert Footman

Standard Manhunter, accompanied with a German Shepherd/German Rottweiler.

Armored/Land Vehicles

Air Forces

Naval Forces

Special Infantry

Special Armored/Land Types
M-102-Humanoid Assault Machine

Special Aerial/Interstellar Types

Special Naval Types

Special- Holy stuff what the forget is that

Projects in Work
« Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 02:05:18 PM by grunterdb1951 »

Take over the world! All heil Adolf Grunter.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2014, 11:48:39 PM by Theepicman »

Atsina sends a diplomat over to their new-found ally.
Welcome to the world.

East Erinaum sends a diplomat and a case of fine Ã…kkéłÃ¨.

Take over the world! All heil Adolf Grunter.

That I shall, and all will bend their knees. They are the sheep, and I am the shepherd.

Atsina sends a diplomat over to their new-found ally.
Welcome to the world.
East Erinaum sends a diplomat and a case of fine Ã…kkéłÃ¨.

Both diplomats, when they've reached the borders, are met with armored transports, that transport the diplomats to the capitol. From there, both diplomats, separately, meet with a small council of no more than 6 people, however none appear to be any form of king, and both are offered alliances to help strengthen their nations alike, though East Erinaum is offered it a bit faster due to alcohol, why? Well it's alcohol.

That I shall, and all will bend their knees. They are the sheep, and I am the shepherd.

Both diplomats, when they've reached the borders, are met with armored transports, that transport the diplomats to the capitol. From there, both diplomats, separately, meet with a small council of no more than 6 people, however none appear to be any form of king, and both are offered alliances to help strengthen their nations alike, though East Erinaum is offered it a bit faster due to alcohol, why? Well it's alcohol.
Alright. Accepted.

Belsnia chuckles at Conservatia's totalitarian ways.

Belsnia chuckles at Conservatia's totalitarian ways.

A merry chuckle or a "Byhahahg! American dogs." chuckle. And they aren't totalitarian they're psychotic come on I thought you guys figured that out by now

The kind of chuckle you have while watching puppies trying to find their way.