
Should there be more star clusters then the 1 we have now?

I don't partcipate in Interstellar Tensions but I still vote because I'm a friend

Author Topic: Interstellar Tensions - Futuristic Nation RP  (Read 29438 times)

Interstellar Tensions

Year: 3134

Nation Application      -      Map      -      Nation and Organization List      -      Credits

Nation Application
Code: [Select]

*Country Name:
*Government Type:

Species Specialties:

*Economy Type:
*Currency to USD worth:

*Population: [Start out with anywhere between 1,000,000 to 100,000,000,000 people. Add reasonable amounts unless something major happens in your nation. You can lose population too, to disease or war. Maximum/Minimum is within reason.]
Literacy Rate:
Life Expectancy:

*Home Planet: [You have to make it up.]
*Home Star System: [You have to make it up.]

Trade Partners: [It is assumed that you are trading with people that you are allied with, so don't put them here.]

DEFCON Level: [Search Wikipedia if you have no idea what this is.]

Military Specs: [No outrageous specs please.]

(Click for big)

Nation and Organization List

Fyrenise Republic (FR)
Soverus Empire (SE)
Imperial Human Colonies of Alpha Eris I and II (IHC, AEi-ii)
Ursus Empire (UE)
European Galactic Federation (UGF)


Titan Corporation (TC)
Unlock Biotics (UB)

Staff and Credits:

mlockha     ~     Host, Admin, Creator
grunterdb1951     ~     Moderator
Crispy_     ~     Map
SWAT One     ~     Directory, OP Layout
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 12:29:55 AM by mlockha »

Country Name: Fyrenise Republic
Government Type: Democracy

*Species: Avian
Species Specialties: Ability to fly, large intellectual capabilities, technologically wired.

*Economy Type: Mixed
*Currency: Fiint (FRD)
*Currency to USD worth: 1 USD:.5 FRD

*Population: 90,000,000,000
Languages: Fyers (Fier-sh)
Religions: Atheism, they believe in the advances of technology.
Literacy Rate: 100%
Life Expectancy: 100-300 years.

*Home Planet: Alpha Centauri Bb
*Home Star System: Alpha Centauri (don't know if made up but eh, it is a real thing)

Trade Partners:

DEFCON Level: 3

Military Specs: Basically stuff you would see from that purple faction in Planetside 2.

Raven - Light Fighter
Prosud 1239431QUE- Attack/Recon Drone
Niiunud 5773853UFE -Recon/Manipulative/Repair Drone
Riiucsunud 5838583HFE - Recon/Delivery Drone
Fyudnisqud 4586829JYE - Heavy Attack Drone/Drone Delivery Drone
Nesurchsadud 48692049SKE - Research Drone
Infityhidud 57394769EKE - Infantry Attack Drone
Usdjidud 8847285KEE - Command Drone/Relay Drone
Hudinud 5749385QUE - Infantry Attack Drone
Yuuysiud 4859456QUE - Light Anti-Drone (outfitted with plasma cannons and EMP rays)
D.R.O.A.E.Y - Interplanetary Fighter
Seeker - Interstellar Fighter
[url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/140/b/d/Azureus_Rising___Seeker_Drone_by_Hideyoshi.jpg]Seekerud Drone - Interstellar Fighter Drone

Hawkud - Interplanetary Fighter Drone
P.K.F Humanoid Drone - Support Humanoid Drone Fighter
-forever a wip-
« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 08:25:00 PM by Swat 3 »

lotsa nation rps lately

I might join


Country Name: Fyrenise Republic
Government Type: Democracy

*Species: Avian
Species Specialties: Ability to fly, large intellectual capabilities.

*Economy Type: Mixed
*Currency: Fiint (FRD)
*Currency to USD worth: 1 USD:.5 FRD

*Population: 90,000,000,000
Languages: Fyers (Fier-sh)
Religions: Atheism, they believe in the advances of technology.
Literacy Rate: 97%
Life Expectancy: 100-300 years.

*Home Planet: Alpha Centauri Bb
*Home Star System: Alpha Centauri (don't know if made up but eh, it is a real thing)

Trade Partners: [It is assumed that you are trading with people that you are allied with, so don't put them here.]

DEFCON Level: 4

Military Specs: Basically stuff you would see from that purple faction in Planetside 2.

Fyrenise Republic attempts to make peace with the Human race, studying the human languages and quickly understanding them.

Fyrenise Republic attempts to make peace with the Human race, studying the human languages and quickly understanding them.
The Human leader (Earth is a united federation), Nursultan Zuma, requests a meeting.

As well, Nurstulan Zuma suggests all species work together to build a peaceful, galactic meeting place. It would also include a council of leaders to decide on things in the universe.

*Country Name: SILTIRI Hunter-Killer Predatory-Detachment-434 1503-AB-11 (You guys can call it the SHKPD-11, each letter pronounced)
*Government Type: 434 'Hive Mind' Central Database (Hive-Mind)

*Species: SILTIRI Hunter-Killer 1000-AB-00 Series
Species Specialties: Non-organic, constantly shared knowledge, extremely good hacking capabilities.

*Economy Type: Government Controlled Markets
*Currency: SILTIRI Synthetic Credits
*Currency to USD worth: 440 USD = 1 SSC

*Population: 96,342,756,892 (And rising due to automated assembly lines
Languages: English, Fyers, Binary, QCL.
Religions: N/A
Literacy Rate: 100%
Life Expectancy: Expected to last up to one thousand years when fresh off the assembly line

*Home Planet: Omega-Volkarus G-6
*Home Star System: Omega-Volkarus G (8 Planets, 4 suns, one red, one blue, and the two other yellow)

Alliances: N/A
Trade Partners: N/A
Organization(s): N/A

DEFCON Level: They shoot anything that comes into proximity of them unless one of their own or authorized personnel

Military Specs:

SILTIRI Hunter-Killer 1043-AB-01 Humanoid Model, armed with a Dark Matter Assault Rifle.

SILTIRI Hunter-Killer 1332-AB-02 Gargantuan Model, armed with a Dual Barreled Plasma Cannon, as well as a Dark Matter Railgun, both designed especially for Gargantuan Models.

SILTIRI Hunter-Killer 1331-AB-02 Gargantuan Model, armed with two Dark Matter Railguns.

SILTIRI Hunter-Killer 1734-AB-03 Aerial Model, 'Interstellar-Planetside Gunship'

SILTIRI Hunter-Killer 1632-AB-04 Predatory-Humanoid Model

SILTIRI Hunter-Killer 1633-AB-04 Predatory-Humanoid Model

SILTIRI Hunter-Killer 1892-AB-03.5 Scout-Dropship Model

SILTIRI Hunter-Killer 1745-AB-03.5 Drop-pod Carrier Model

SILTIRI Hunter-Killer 1746-AB-04 Predatory-Gunship Model

SILTIRI Hunter-Killer 1901-AB-03.5 Interstellar Carrier Model

SILTIRI Hunter-Killer 1905-AB-03.5 Interstellar Gunship Model

SILTIRI Hunter-Killer 1877-AB-04 Predatory-Space-to-Planetside-Artillery Model

SILTIRI Hunter-Killer 1433-AB-03.5 Interstellar Fighter-Dreadnaught Model

« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 12:38:51 AM by grunterdb1951 »

Are you serious.

Like honestly who made your super robot race. Besides, one EMP raid thrown at your system would wipe out your whole species/robots.

gj, never rely on the geth, synthetics robots.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2014, 02:32:51 AM by Swat 3 »

Are you serious.

Like honestly who made your super robot race. Besides, one EMP raid thrown at your system would wipe out your whole species/robots.

gj, never rely on the geth, synthetics robots.

Implying HK's are operating with technology that is weak to EMPs, or if there are any EMPs even designed to combat HK's.

And I don't know if you expect me to write and entire book out for you just so I can play my faction, but I think you should pipe down, do you think I'd just go ahead and make a faction like this without even mentioning it to mlockha or something? Cause you're sounding like a proper  twat right now.

And don't mind me adding on but uh, your faction is completely half assed in comparison to mine. For example, I could've gone and just made my race the geths, but rather I took the time to actually look around for a bit rather than ripping off a game. You? You pick a race from a considerably recent game. And don't even try to begin making some sort of counter argument about this, because I simply based my faction off of the idea of a sentient non-organic faction. Hell, I didn't even think Geth too much when I was making this, rather I was thinking skynet, thus why there's a more human based element to the designs of the HK's. And I'm not even going to waste too much time ranting about how you didn't even put any smidget of effort into your military specs.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2014, 02:46:37 AM by grunterdb1951 »

No electronics are invincible to EMP unless covered completely solid, enclosed, and grounded metal shielding.  Even the slightest gap, at about a nanometer, can still be a weakness.  Either way, this method makes animated parts and varying surface features (ports, hatches, lights and other mechanics, very vulnerable spots.

Aside from that flaw, I support this race.  Neat.  :). Maybe add binary and whatever quantum computer speak is named as official languages since they are an automatonic race.

No electronics are invincible to EMP unless covered completely solid, enclosed, and grounded metal shielding.  Even the slightest gap, at about a nanometer, can still be a weakness.  Either way, this method makes animated parts and varying surface features (ports, hatches, lights and other mechanics, very vulnerable spots.

Of course, I don't recall saying that they're invincible to EMPs, but if someone decides to launch a EMP raid on them they're wasting their time as there are more effective and less costly means of fighting them, so long as they don't figure a way to work around it. But they can also operate via liquids that include but aren't limited to Water, Gasoline, Diesel, and, oddly blood, via a form of miniature adaptable-hydrogen-like pump that transfers said liquids into energy that can be then let into the 'heart' of a HK Model which can act as a countermeasure to EMPs (varying in effectiveness depending on said EMPs capabilities) and as a motive for wars/invasions (essentially attacking so they may further their existence), though it isn't very effective as they haven't learned of anyways to improve upon this part, (or organ if you wanna be weird), of theirs without leaving themselves more vulnerable.

Maybe add binary and whatever quantum computer speak is named as official languages since they are an automatonic race.

10111011010101? Will do.

What game did I take the avians from?

I only said that I was basing my technology from the purple faction in Planetside 2.



Fyrenisian drones are sent to the colony in search for clues.

A Fyrenisian scientist develops the idea to create a drone army that should be commanded by "pilots" elsewhere.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2014, 02:51:56 PM by Swat 3 »

Fyrenisian drones are sent to the colony in search for clues.

A Fyrenisian scientist develops the idea to create a drone army that should be commanded by "pilots" elsewhere.
Everybody's been using drones for a 1000 years.

Anyways, the drones find audio clips.

The audio clips cut off.