Author Topic: Typing this on my new t-mobile g2  (Read 860 times)

To be cool, you must collect all 356 orbs and return them to Aisdengird.

Typing this on my Droid 2.

Am I cool yet?  :cookieMonster:

Typing this on my Droid 2.

Am I cool yet?  :cookieMonster:
To be cool, you must collect all 356 orbs and return them to Aisdengird.

Collected all 356 orbs and returned them to Aisdengird.

Am I cool yet?

Collected all 356 orbs and returned them to Aisdengird.

Am I cool yet?
You've always been cool.

Collected all 356 orbs and returned them to Aisdengird.

Am I cool yet?
Here, have a crown.

You need to be browsing the internet on a Dreamcast before you're considered officially forgetin' rad.

Also, T-Mobile is an awful phone service provider.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2010, 10:48:31 PM by iFool »

You need to be browsing the internet on a Dreamcast before you're considered officially forgetin' rad.
I would if uk had free dial up :(

Tails, you're already cool.

I'm typing this on my MacBook.

Am I cool yet?