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Topics - jirue

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Drama / I think the forums are dieing.
« on: September 28, 2009, 11:16:15 PM »
Lately, today in particular, theres been a spike in stupidity.  Everywhere I go there is a fail thread, add on, or just something to symbolize idiots in this community.
There are a few threads in particular, all of which are made by people who haven't even made 100 posts yet, that have me worried:

Do you also believe the forums are under some kind of great depression?

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Suggestions & Requests / Less Brick Lag
« on: September 27, 2009, 03:17:23 PM »
I was wondering if it's possible at all for bricks to just disappear when you can't see them.

Example:  you are in an enclosed room and there are tons of bricks outside of this room.  When you are inside of the enclosed space, all the bricks outside of it hide.     
If this is possible, would it reduce brick lag or not?

Just wondering :D

Creativity / Cyanide and Happiness 2
« on: September 26, 2009, 02:20:09 PM »
I got bored in school yesterday so I drew the heavy in the style characters are drawn in the Cyanide and Happiness webcomics
So today i got even more bored and drew the rest of the gang :D
If you haven't ever seen one of Cyanide and Happiness' comics, heres 2 of my favs.

(no I don't know why there is a black dot on the top of the page, my scanner is just gay sometimes :C  )

Tell me what you think :D

Suggestions & Requests / AI Blockhead
« on: September 12, 2009, 09:47:51 PM »
A blockhead AI that does nothing but hammer you  :cookieMonster:

Off Topic / Post a tour of your room
« on: August 31, 2009, 03:46:30 PM »
give us a tour to your room in either pictures or a video :D

here's mine :D

Heres an overview of the room from the left side (left of when you come into the room)

Overview from right

This is my desk where i film tutorials, and usually where i work on building stuff.  (there is a small TV on the right of this table, i can rotate it to either face my bed, the couch, or this desk so i can watch it.   It's a pretty junky TV :3)  I do almost everything on this desk.

This is my desk where i do dremaling.  It used to be where the new couch is now (the couch is one of them click clack things so my friends have a place to sleep when they stay over.)  but this desk is mainly just for me to dremal stuff down. 

This is my computer.  No it's not my main computer that i'm typing on now.  It has been broken for a long time, it just got fixed so i haven't used it much yet.  It is what i use to make animations and such on.  I haven't made any animations because this has been broken.   Also a desk behind it, I can build on this too, but right now i stacked several mis matched lego bins.   There are some organized ones on a shelf outside of my door, organizing legos by color has been a small project me and my mom work on from time to time :3

This is my super cool shelf from Ikea that i use to display lego sets.  right now i have the troll battle ship thing from Castle, an old Forestmen set i got from Brickworld09, a few star wars sets, and all 3 of the model sets (cafe corner, green grocer and market street).  I plan on getting the new model set thats coming in september, the Firestation. >:D

this is the new Click clack couch i mentioned earlier next to an arcade cabinet :3

And this is my bed. :D   on the left of this pic, above the bed, that is a Link picture that was printed out by my mom on canvas so it looks like a painting, and the link picture has some fire lights that i got at ikea from when i was littler :3. On the other side is just some animal crossing poster i found in a magazine.  (and a TF2 poster covering my window to keep creepers out.)

Suggestions & Requests / New Event: onRadiuloveplode
« on: August 30, 2009, 04:25:34 PM »
Well, you know the event  onExplode?  I think that's what it's called...  Well what it does, is when something blows it up, like a spear, grenade, rocket launcher, and so on, it activates the output events after onExplode.

Well, I don't like brick damage on, because there's always some tard who's going to wonder off with a tank and blow eveything up, and thats no fun.   What I want is something that gets activated the same way onExplode does, but it doesn't actually need to explode, it just needs to be in the same radius that would blow it up if brick damage were actually on.

So if i throw a grenade at a wall, and one of those bricks in the wall has onExplode events, the grenade will activate it if brick Damage is on.  But onRadiuloveplode would work even if brick damage is off

You get what I'm sayin'?

another reason i don't like brick damage on is if you have powerful weapons in your minigame, you don't want people to blow through walls like the kool-aid man, but you do want some bricks to die from explosions, it's much easier to have a select few blow up then have to make all the ones you don't want to blow up have onExplode > self > respawn events.  (these events look funny anyways, the bricks kind of flash when they get hit)

Another solution to this would be something where you can set bricks to blow up and some bricks not to blow up, maybe a wrench setting or something.

Gallery / My Medieval House
« on: August 19, 2009, 02:50:28 PM »

How do you like my house?

Games / Cheap and Unheard of Games
« on: August 16, 2009, 07:26:58 PM »
This is a thread to talk about some of your favorite games that are super cheap and pretty much not heard of at all (by lack of advertisement or whatever)

I'd like to start off with one of my favorites:  Kung fu Chaos

This is a 4 player 3rd-person platformer game on X-box.  The idea of it is that you are playing in an extremely cheesy action movie directed by Shao Ting.  It's a pretty humorous and very fun to play.  I googled the price of it and I found it on gamespot for 5 bucks.  If I ask anyone if they've heard of it, they usually always say no, but everyone I've seen who tried it thought it was fun and funny.

What are some of your favorite games that didn't get enough attention/low ratings/are super cheap?

Drama / Badspot
« on: July 27, 2009, 11:24:59 PM »
Woodland requested that I make this topic with a pic of the chat.

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Off Topic / Jirue's life v1
« on: July 27, 2009, 09:48:50 PM »
This is like all those other stuffty [name's] Life topics except it's cooler because it's mine.

Jirue wakes up at 11:00 am and rants about all these loving life topics.

Drama / Lord Tony
« on: July 23, 2009, 02:32:44 AM »


Creativity / Block-Crab Zombies
« on: July 12, 2009, 02:29:20 PM »
My headcrab zombies in BL i drew out on my drawing tablet :3





Siba's model progress:
The front legs are still being worked on.

Suggestions & Requests / Check Boxes for Clear Bricks Menu
« on: June 26, 2009, 12:01:45 AM »
I think it would be great if the Clear Bricks menu had little check boxes next to each player's name to clear bricks, so the ones checked get cleared.  This way, if you have a bunch of people who made only 1 brick, and you want to clean up, you can select all of them and clear, rather than individually searching and clearing 10 different things.

Off Topic / Favorite Spoofs
« on: June 21, 2009, 01:04:11 AM »
Post your favorite / epic / funny spoofs you've watched or made! :D

Just post the source of where you can see the spoof, what it's making fun of, and what it is.
Please no Weird Al, we all know who Weird Al is and what he does, please post something that hasn't been listened to a million times.  Maybe if you made your own music vid for Weird al and wanna show it

This is Paper Towels, a spoof of the ShamWow commercial.

What You Know About Math?, a spoof of What You Know About That?

Twisted, this isn't as much of a spoof, but a cool Lego animation remake.  This is a "spoof" of the Twisted Sister's  We're not Gonna Take it music video.

Grand Theft Auto: Lego City, again, not really a spoof, but funny remake.  This is a lego remake of GTA.

Off Topic / BrickWorld 09
« on: June 21, 2009, 12:38:43 AM »
I just got back from BrickWorld 2009! :D

It was in (actually just right outside of) Chicago in the Westin hotel, if you've heard of that.  So anyway, it was great.  Brickworld, if you don't know, is just a big Lego convention.  It goes until the end of tomorrow, but we wanted to just stay at the hotel it's hosted at, which is a 4 star hotel, so we just couldn't afford all those nights, Sat and Sun were the public days anyway, just a bunch of noisy kids about to break something.

you walk in and the first thing you see is a replica of the Westin made out of Lego.  Everyone was wearing these cool name tags made out of lego that had your name engraved on them with a magnit, but we didn't register before hand enough, so it said "Registering on line is no longer available, you may still register at the door yatata"

All the builds were epic!  Some of them didn't even look like lego they were so detailed.

I meet the guy who animates some videos for Lego's new Space Police (This video).  I also meet one of the guys down at Creator makin stuff.  I got both of their autographs :3

There were booths set up from Brick Forge, BrickArms, and a whole crap load of other vendors.  I finally got my crowbar and Master Chief figs from BrickForge, and I got a crap load of neat weps to put on my Chief and half life figs. 

My mom took pics of like everything with her broken camera, you just can't see what you are taking a pic of, so hopefully they are good, I will post some when I get them.

Did anyone else go to this?  That'd be really funny ;3

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