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Topics - RagnaTheBroedge

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Off Topic / i almost forgot, but happy 5 year forumversary to me
« on: February 01, 2014, 04:02:53 PM »
wow i did it
it has been a consistently entertaining half-decade and i hope it continues.
to think i was 11 when i registered, truly amazing. this game has seen me through life since middle school, lol.


This guy.[/url]
Right now the biggest thing to notice is that all he's been doing is picking fights with Furdle (And vice versa). His ID is 46767 which only comes up MrPolygon, but doesn't seem to have any actual recorded play time. Signature also claims that he works in C++, which can probably narrow it down a bit.

Games / Arisado - Taboo's First Montage Video Thing
« on: January 27, 2014, 06:02:08 PM »
Put together using some S4 footage recorded by Shammy last night.
This was my first time putting together a sort of "montage" video, so it was a lot of fun to put together. Basically, Shammy and another fellow, Arisato, were trying to record him doing six air specials with a scythe in a row, but it didn't go through, and you can consider this one very long bloopers reel. Big thanks to her for recording all this footage for me to have fun with, I only used a tiny fraction of about 42GB's worth of video.
Any thoughts are welcome, I guess. There's some stuff I know I could have handled better, such a little fading between clips, but meh. Please enjoy Arisato's suffering.

Off Topic / History is being made: Taboo has another snow day.
« on: January 26, 2014, 07:41:33 PM »
It's official.
To clarify, we had one on the 13th as well, which was supposed to be our first day back for the new semestre. Last year we had one snow day. Prior to that, LTHS had several years (at least two decades, I can't find a sure source) of no days off.
stuff's wack, yo. Discuss snow days and stubborn schools here.

[6:39:33 PM] HYPER OATS: man, didn't we have like years of no snow days up till like 2011 and now we have two within weeks
[6:40:16 PM] THREE BOOBIES IS A PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY: i keep thinking that when anna told me it was a snow day i was like
[6:40:44 PM] HYPER OATS: watch it all be an elaborate scheme agains the student body so no one can exempt anything
[6:40:52 PM] HYPER OATS: senior prank of the century

Games / Taboo's Hosting Minecraft Again
« on: January 24, 2014, 07:15:12 PM »
I feel like playing Minecraft with people so here we go.

PVP is enabled for now, don't be richards and make me turn it off.
You can connect at:
Add me as "taboobles" on Skype for voice chats.

that in no way totally rips off the aesthetics of the fauux site
i'll prolly hit this sumbitch with some twitter bootstrap once i have actual content
thoughts and suggestions are welcome

site migrated to at http://brown
added a gallery, approach at your own peril
music script is acting up for some reason, i think biz isn't getting the music files right

Drama / JSPC
« on: January 19, 2014, 05:59:27 AM »


I feel like this was made before, but I can't find it anywhere. Is there a mod that removes a dropped item's physical, uh, item as soon as it's dropped? I want to prevent players from just throwing each other free items but I want them to still be able to get rid of items they don't want easily.

a tale of depression by taboob

Discuss this abysmal cold heading our way and brag about beign Californian here.

How can I make a simple slash command to send a player to a named brick? Get ready to be impressed, I've gotten as far as:

function serverCmdShop(%client) {

So how do I fill in that blank? As you can guess, this is to send players to a shop, so you can guess that ownership and the like shouldn't be an issue.


It's happening again. My ass is once again huge. Or, well, it's getting there at least. Slowly but surely.

Rewarding killstreak system. 1st kill = +100, 2nd kill = +125, 3rd kill+ = +150
Shop system taking advantage of the above. Players can buy themselves weapons and then retain their ownership.
Spawning system that can be easily swapped to be team or player based from within the shop's spawn room.
Inventory saving and loading, the basis of any good shop system deployment.
A huge pack of MW3 sounds and ambient loops. Will be released once the server's up and I'm satisfied with its contents.
Many miscellaneous special effects to just give the whole server more impact.

External weapons database reflecting the in-game item descriptions.
Technically the aforementioned soundpack; I'm adding stuff as I go along.
AN ACTUAL BUILD???? If anyone wants to help out somehow, please do, this is basically all I really need now.

Community chest using the Item Storage mod where better off players can donate weapons to get other players started. We'll see how this works out logistically.
Killstreak rewards? Not sure how to actually implement them ingame, best hope is slash commands, but that'd have to be script based and ughhhh
Might repurchase an RTB server, that just depends on my motivation though really.

MW3 Sounds & Ambience
Hells&Khain Weaponry
Hells&Khain EXTEND
Item Storage
Dueling Weapons

Off Topic / talk to me, babeland
« on: July 23, 2013, 03:17:58 AM »
it's 2 am and i'm too lazy to go to sleep or start up a game, so let's talk, eh
propose a subject and let's take it from there

Games / taboob has a wii u now
« on: July 20, 2013, 01:59:40 AM »
add "Naeggi" (i'm so sorry but of course "taboo" was taken and "taboob," "tabooby," and "taboobles" are all way too lewd for nintendo) if you want to hang out and play monster hunter. we'll probably be getting lego city and zombiu soon too just so we can say we have games other monster hunter (will we play them? probably not)
so yeah

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