Author Topic: Something fishy is going on.  (Read 923 times)

Hello, me and my friend Fortify / Squish have always played Blockland together. We'd get on Skype and chat while we played. Around a week ago he just suddenly disappeared. I haven't seen, talked to, or heard about him in a week and I'm a little worried. He doesn't usually do that. We don't live in the same state so he doesn't go to my school. If anyone has seen him can you tell me? Cause when or if he gets back I'm going to be pissed. Thank you.

maybe he on a spring break vacation or something???

Why would you be pissed? What if their Internet went out or he went on a trip?

maybe he on a spring break vacation or something???

If he was he would be on the computer all day. Plus if he was out of town he would post pictures on Instagram. Hasn't in a week.

What if his parents got rid of his tech?

What if his parents got rid of his tech?

God damn you parents! That is a good point.

Or maybe he just decided to take a break from the Internet?

Or maybe he just decided to take a break from the Internet?


Maybe he got grounded and his devices got taken away

Cause when or if he gets back I'm going to be pissed.
You're angry at someone because he wasn't on the internet for a week? Can you not just play games with other friends, or yourself?

If one of my friends has stopped being online, i wouldn't just stalk his accounts for activity, I would just do other things in the meantime. If he came back, I would just ask him where he's been and stuff, being angry at him for not being with you for 7 days is pathetic.

maybe he just went fishing

ha ha

maybe he just went fishing

ha ha
that was horrible and i love it

he's the next ravencroft