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Games / Raindrop
« on: February 06, 2010, 08:18:02 PM »

Unknown wrote:

Early 1920s: Russian scientists want to investigate whether a community of humans, with the necessary ressources, can supply itself and exists on its own. The gained results shall be used to develop emergency plans for a possible Second World War. This study is part of a series of tests which also includes the creation of super soldiers and paramilitary warfare. Everything happens in the utmost secrecy. The Thule Society in Germany carries out similar research.

1926-1929: Single field tests are started, but they all fail. The test objects lapse into primitive behaviour. Further practical experiments are discontinued.

1931: A group of scientists under the guidance of Alexej Zabrenko, who has been nominated for the Nobel Prize, have determined the cause of the failures. Many more people have to live in a bigger area and have to be provided with free time, varied activities and an educational system to succesfully realize the project. The Kremlin declines funding the project due to the cost.

1933: The situation becomes more urgent. Riddler is in power in Germany and the danger of a new war is more present than ever before. Permission to build the complex is now granted. Only Zabrenko's Team as well as an employee of the Kremlin, Mischa Semenov, and his representative know about the operation. Not even Stalin has notice of it. The forced laborers which built the complex are sent back into the Gulag, where their knowledge is worthless.

1936: The complex is finished. From all parts of Russia people who aren't missed by anyone are brought to the complex. Zabrenko himself takes part in the study to control it if necessary - and to collect data. He is the general practitioner of the complex. After some teething troubles, the people have adapted to the conditions. Zabrenko is the only one who keeps in touch with the outside world. His team of scientists brown townyzes the data. They don't know where the complex is located. The area around the complex is mined to prevent an escape.

1938: After two years the people have indeed grown together to a social unit, but the benefits of the research are minor. Riddler meanwhile deploys German troops of the Wehrmacht in Austria as a first step for the Anschluss to the German Reich. In Russia the money for the research is to be used for the arms build-up, but the employee of the Kremlin doesn't want to give up the project yet.

1. September 1939: Events get out of control. national socialist Germany invades Poland. All the money which has been given to the secret projects so far is now put in the arms industry. All project overseers are summoned to the Kremlin. On the way to the Moscow Kremlin, a truck crashes into the car of Mischa Semenov. He and his driver are instantly killed. His representative who should in this case assume his duties, was denounced one week ago by opponents in the party for collaborating with the Germans, he was sent into a Siberian forced labor camp immediately. The last will of Semenov is carried out, henceforth the Finance Minister is instructed to stop the payments for the research team of Zabrenko and the plans of action are sent to General Jegor Kosloff, who will evacuate the complex.

18. September 1939: The letter reaches the military outpost of Kosloff but General Kosloff had died the previous day during the invasion of Poland, shot by a Polish sniper. The successor of Kosloff stows the letter away unopened.

8. September 1997, somewhere in Russia. 58 years have passed since living breath was felt in this place. You wake up in an abadoned tunnel, without even a name ...

Gallery / Projectile fun: Pong-a-tron
« on: January 09, 2010, 11:19:48 AM »

Suggestions & Requests / onActivateInZone
« on: December 09, 2009, 01:51:58 PM »
Title, requesting it since it doesn't exist yet.

Suggestions & Requests / setInvincible
« on: December 03, 2009, 11:47:23 AM »
Title is pretty obvious but I'll explain it anyway;

An event that would set the target (player) invincible for a period if time (max about 10 seconds or so)
This would make the player immune to bullets, explosions(radius damage), zombies, etc..

IE. [ 0 ] onActivate - player - setInvincible[3]

And if there is one please link me since I couldn't find it my self.

Suggestions & Requests / A script to deactivate ctrl w
« on: December 01, 2009, 12:38:24 AM »
Yea the title says it all. If there already is one I couldn't find it.

Gallery / !Wordguess!
« on: November 15, 2009, 01:42:16 PM »
A lame name for a lame game!


So, I am 12 and what is this?

Well little Adrian, this is a event based game where the goal is to guess letters and eventually words. I started working on this quite some time ago and forgot about it after that. A few weeks ago I was bored and decided to do something, I ended up browsing my saves and came across this. By this time my knowledge in events had grown and the way it was set up seemed so crude that I updated and fixed up the system.
How to use

The Control Panel

2x1's Reset the corresponding colours cash to $150's
"?" Resets the info buttons
Blinking red button resets the buttons and alarms

The Letter Toggle

Letter buttons toggle the bricks hiding the letters on the board, dark gray brick shows if letter is already shown.
The red button on the left makes the "Applaud" sing flash
The red button on the right toggles the shields so you can set up for a new round.

The Board

Bricks covering the letters are named after the letter it is covering up, ie. a brick covering the letter "f" is named "f". This makes setting up easy and fast.

If there are some typos in the info, I don't want to know about it.

save attached below


Gallery / Laserprinter
« on: November 14, 2009, 10:33:44 AM »
A very simple little build with some nice events.

Save file is for Bedroom and Space Guy's laser pointer is needed.

Drama / Inactivity notice
« on: October 13, 2009, 05:00:51 AM »
Hello forum,
Due to some private things going on in my life I am not able to get on the internet as often as I used to.
I hope that this wouldn't last much longer then a month or so.

So, see ya.

User was banned for this post

Add-Ons / SimpleWell - CameraBeard v2
« on: September 06, 2009, 06:30:50 AM »

Gallery / A Short Blockland Short
« on: August 10, 2009, 07:35:28 AM »

Off Topic / LIVESTREAM - Anybody's watch me...
« on: July 05, 2009, 02:15:38 PM » nothing!! atm...

...I am offline

I might play something later, or go online.


no one came :c

Creativity / In a Chinese love park...
« on: June 23, 2009, 01:37:19 PM »

The pen0r is sensored, if you're wondering...

Add-Ons / Props: Sys, Household, Button and Animation suport
« on: June 02, 2009, 06:57:25 PM »

No help on making the props will be provided. by NiXiLL 1.25 KB by Anybody 67.54 KB

Props_Button by Anybody 3.49 KB

Event_Animation by Anybody whit the help of NiXiLL 0.54 KB

The button is to show how to use animations, anyone making props that use animations can easily figure it out.

Yes, I locked this. The links still do work, for those who want them.

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