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Topics - Col. Derontchi

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Off Topic / Funny (research) Ad Fails
« on: August 08, 2015, 11:38:14 AM »
Alright, so there I was doing my thing, nothing too exotic, just standard brown town. Suddenly I get this popup notification that said I had been downloading CP, facesitting (isn't even illegal what), and some other stuff. It told me that the FBI had been monitoring me and I could face fines up to $10,000. Then it told me that we could just get it out of the way if I entered my PayPal information. So, instead of coming to my doorstep, the "FBI" decided to send me a popup on my phone browser and have me enter my PayPal stuff so they could just go ahead and fine me, without due process.


General Discussion / Wrong board
« on: August 08, 2015, 11:34:00 AM »
Wrong board

Off Topic / What are some good military-management flash games?
« on: August 05, 2015, 03:52:37 PM »
I like playing strategy flash games, especially military ones. Recommend some of your favorites.

Creativity / Making a bow from scratch!
« on: July 29, 2015, 11:39:38 AM »
So, as a sophomore, I'm going to have to do an MYP project. Basically, I get to choose what it is, but it has to be educational or teach a skill. Well, I'm doing both. My grandpa is an experienced bowyer and so I asked him to help me make a bow for my project. I still haven't decided exactly what kind of bow I'll be doing (self, recurved, etc.), but I'll be going up there today. I'll post pictures of the process here for you guys to see! Wood chunks have already been made, so yeah.

OKAY, so I just got back from my grandpa's house a couple days ago, and I am done with the first stage!

Phase One, basic shape.

The chunks were already pre-made from Osage Orange and have been sitting out and drying for about a year.

This one will do!

First, we cut some of the excess off of the sides and the ends with the bandsaw.

Drawing lines n stuff.

Then, I got the drawknife and started whittling off the back of the bow (it's technically the front I guess but it's called the back). I'm trying to cut through the hardwood to get to the soft wood. Very tedious process because the layers are so thin.

Hard day of work yo

Fast forward, next day! We have decided that this will be a traditional Eastern Woodlands bow design.
I have gone through two layers of hard and soft wood to get to the thickest growth ring, which will produce the strongest bow. I've put a chalk line down the middle so we can trim the sides with the bandsaw.

Pretty nice-looking bow already, but that crack in the middle may be problematic. It can be fixed, however.

I've come up with a name for this bow, as people usually name their bows. The Navajo people would put lines down the center of the bow, and called it the "spirit" of the bow. Since mine has a crack going down the middle of the handle, I've decided to call it "Spirit Bow". I think it fits pretty well!

Time for some sanding action to even out the limbs!

Now that I've gotten the basic shape of the bow, it's time to start detailing it. My face isn't usually this handicapped, I was just extremely exhausted.

First, I've got to use a steel rasp to shape the limbs and the belly of the bow.

Next, I gotta use a little file to make the grooves for the bowstring to sit.

I was half awake when this was taken. We put a string on it to see how the bow is shaping up!

We had to straighten one of the limbs because it was curving upwards and a little to the side, so I used a heat gun (overrated hair dryer) to heat up the limb and bend it into shape.

That's all the pictures I have for this phase because right after we got done with this, the bow snapped when we tried to re-string it. Luckily, it snapped just above the handle in a place where it is not supposed to bend, and did not break in two, so that means it is reparable. We used a toothpick to get wood glue inside the crack, and put some clamps on it to keep it together. We have to leave it outside for a week to dry and settle. After that, we will put a rawhide wrap around where the crack was, the process of which I will explain in the next Phase. It may even be shootable!

Stay tuned for more potential richard jokes when we enter Phase Two! This next phase will include making the bow string, backing the back of the bow with rawhide, painting designs onto the bow, and making the arrows!

Help / Hells&Khains Weapon Pack won't show up in game
« on: July 26, 2015, 06:42:34 PM »
So yeah, /title.

I've downloaded the pack, the Support_RyAssets, the Support_AdvGuns, all of that, but they will not show up in game. I've redownloaded the pack. Any suggestions?

Off Topic / Describe the above user in 3 words or less
« on: July 22, 2015, 02:09:36 AM »
You can use up to 3 WORDS! Choose them wisely.

Badspot I guess?

Money over everythang

Off Topic / I'm just a loving mess right now
« on: July 21, 2015, 11:50:25 PM »
I don't know what the forget is going on but I'm just a loving mess. I just suddenly felt overwhelmingly sad and empty, and started wanting to find some old friends just to see how they're doing but I don't even know what the forget I'm doing and I just feel an overwhelming sense of longing, but I don't know what I'm longing for. Is it even there? agh someone please just help me get out of this little emotional rage/trip/what the forget ever please.

Not a plea for sympathy

Off Topic / I need a new guitar, or do I? Help me decide.
« on: July 15, 2015, 01:49:17 PM »
ALRIGHT. So, I currently own two electric guitars. I use them both frequently. Both of these guitars, however, have what's called a "Floyd Rose tremolo system" which basically allows you to have a wammy bar on the guitar. This is one of my electrics with the Floyd Rose system:

The Floyd Rose system allows you to bend the strings with the bar without knocking them way the forget out of tune. It does so by having these clamps instead of the nut at the top of the neck, that lock down onto the strings. You tune the guitars with the fine-tuning pegs at the bridge (bottom). The problem of this all is that the fine-tuning pegs pretty much prevent any sort of downtuning on the guitars. The reason this is a problem is because I love to play rock covers, but many of the songs I want to play are in Drop D or Double Drop D tuning. Since both of my guitars have Floyd Rose systems, this becomes impossible without reconfiguring the entire tab. Should I pick up a new electric at a pawn shop, or is there a way to convert Floyd Roses into standard-action guitars?

Suggestions & Requests / Cowboy-styled weapons?
« on: July 15, 2015, 01:22:18 PM »
Nothing too much, maybe a couple lever-actions and a couple revolvers. Maybe an old .45? I know someone was working on some of these things awhile back, but I think they were scrapped. These weapons would be very useful!

Something like this:

And this:

And also these:

Off Topic / My dad has a ruptured disk in his neck.
« on: July 14, 2015, 01:12:32 PM »
A few years ago, my dad, sister, and I were in a pretty bad car wreck. We were driving across a 4 lane bridge when the sun blinded my dad and the car flipped over the median onto the other side of the bridge. The car was totaled. Luckily, my sister and I were fine, but the airbags did not deploy out of the steering wheel and my dad broke his sternum. My dad has had on and off mild chest pains since. However, in this past month or so, his chest pains have gotten extremely bad, to where he calls it the worst pain he's ever felt in his life. Well, yesterday, he got an MRI and found out that he has a ruptured disk in his neck.

What does this mean for him? How can it be fixed? Is he gonna be alright?

Off Topic / What is best fast food chain? (Poll Updated)
« on: July 13, 2015, 07:27:32 PM »
Personal fave is Taco Bueno

Off Topic / What are some of your past accomplishments?
« on: July 13, 2015, 03:03:28 PM »
People of the BLF are TOO HARD ON THEMSELVES! I, for one, have had enough! Post neat things you've done/ suck your own richard!

I created a waltz that sounds pretty good.
I made a sand fort that stood for quite awhile against the tide (this was on the beach)
I've created tons of cool stuff in Bad Piggies
I'm top 4% in BF4
I'm the 8th best 15-18 y/o backstroker in my city (8th fastest time for those who don't know how it works)
I'm my high school swim team's manager
I can play Cowboys From Hell without the solo at regular speed
I beat everyone in my gym class at the pacer test, even 3 track people :)
In my first year of swimming, I gained 40 pounds

Yeah. Go!

It's actually not my birthday today, because I did not have access to the internet on my birthday because I was on vacation. It was June 23, and I just realized I didn't make a thread. I'm 15 yo!

So, in honor of my late leveling up/generic euphamism, I want to do a NOT birthday AMA. Go!

Off Topic / Help my friend find some PC stuff or whatever
« on: July 12, 2015, 06:55:22 AM »
I don't really understand what my friend is asking and I doubt he does either. He's been a console gamer all his life (despite trying to act like a PC gamer the past few months just because he got a stuffty laptop that can somewhat run Blockland, which he sucks at). He ran into a decent amount of birthday money this year, and can finally realize his dream of becoming a professional friend (he's an amateur right now), so I ask you, BLF, to help me help him to get some PC stuff. I think his price range is about $500-$600, mildly flexible. One of his friends told him to buy a pre-built Dell, but I don't think that'd be a good option for a gaming PC, from what I've heard on this forum. So, I guess just give suggestions of parts or whatever. Don't really know how this works.

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