Author Topic: Guardibrown townex - Dipstuff Troll  (Read 2176 times)


Just going to make this short and simple since the images will suffice just fine. Guardian came on my server criticizing the map (well understandable, it's bland. then again it's classic) and Danny Boy told him that we are making anew map. Anyways he ignored that and continued, so I called him a moron, he then made fun of Thorfin25's death. I ban him and then he just goes resorts to straight up trolling and spamming the forums.

Quotes & Pictures

All Images In Order
Glass' Blockland Servers Thread

Nom771's CTF Admin Applications Thread - I posted here just to give a fair warning to Nom when I realized he applied there.

Hate is like a Drug Thread - Bait Thread Trying To Get My Response





should be banned

isn't this, specifically this part:
But I know it would hurt you, Which is exactly what I was after
basically just considered flaming/admittance to trolling

isn't this, specifically this part: basically just considered flaming/admittance to trolling
I figured this would lol.
Eat stuff and die, maybe they'll bury you next to him. :)

what a friend


Yeah he'll get banned.

what the forget; is this the SS admin, guardian?

what the forget; is this the SS admin, guardian?
His in-game name is Guardian.

I bought a new ship.
It's called the S.S. Support!

haha what a little stuff.
get banned.

Lol, I am part getting annoying with him -_-
He does need banned

NO EDIT: Lol, I am part of getting annoyed with him -_-

that doesnt even make sense meta

NO EDIT: Lol, I am part of getting annoyed with him -_-
